Man accused of second Trump assassination attempt pleads not guilty
West Palm Beach, Florida CNN —
The man who prosecutors say stalked Donald Trump in Florida for a month before setting up what they call a sniper nest on the fence bordering the former president's West Palm golf course Beach, has pleaded not guilty to attempted assassination of a major presidential candidate.
Ryan Wesley Routh faces five charges, including attempted murder, firearm charges and assault on an officer. He pleaded not guilty to each charge in Federal Court.
Routh appeared in beige jail garb and sometimes wore glasses during the brief hearing. He told the judge he understood the charges against him.
Armed with a Soviet-designed rifle between two bags filled with bulletproof plates, prosecutors say Routh had a clear view of the 6th green when Trump played golf that Sunday afternoon.
The former president was within minutes of Routh's line of sight, prosecutors argued at a detention hearing last week.
Routh was reportedly spotted by a Secret Service agent who was conducting surveillance before Trump. When the officer saw the barrel of a gun move, the officer opened fire then hid behind a tree to reload. Routh reportedly fled the area in a car and was arrested by local police less than an hour later on a nearby highway.
Unlike Thomas Matthew Crooks, who shot Trump at a campaign rally in July, investigators found a wealth of information allegedly about Routh and what might have been the motivation behind the alleged assassination attempt.
One piece of information cited by prosecutors is a letter Routh allegedly left for a witness who came forward after Routh's arrest.
This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but I failed you, Routh reportedly wrote. I did my best and gave all the courage I could. It's now up to you to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to anyone who can finish the job.
Trump ended relations with Iran as a child and now the Middle East has collapsed, the letter said.
Routh also wrote a self-published book in which he told Iran: “You are free to assassinate Trump and me for this error in judgment and the dismantling of the Iran nuclear deal.”
In arguing for his detention pending the outcome of the case, which was ultimately granted, prosecutors said Routh had been stopped more than 100 times, many for traffic violations, and that his travels in Ukraine and Taiwan showed that it was capable of crossing borders.
Routh's case was randomly assigned to Judge Aileen Cannon, the federal judge who dismissed charges of mishandling classified criminal materials against Trump earlier this year after his lawyers argued that special counsel Jack Smith had been illegally tasked with overseeing the investigation and prosecution of Trump.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/30/politics/ryan-wesley-routh-trump-assassination-attempt-plea/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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