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Boris Johnson's leading critic calls on Tories to ban self-obsessed MPs

Boris Johnson's leading critic calls on Tories to ban self-obsessed MPs
Boris Johnson's leading critic calls on Tories to ban self-obsessed MPs


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One of Boris Johnson's most vocal Tory critics has called on the party to ban those who put personal ambition ahead of public duty from becoming Tory MPs.

Former Conservative cabinet minister Jesse Norman warns the party risks an even bigger defeat at the next election unless it takes “drastic corrective action”.

Among his proposals aimed at regaining voters' trust is refusing to allow anyone to run as a Conservative in the next election without having demonstrated “significant public service”.

Jesse Norman said conservatives should not run candidates without a record of public service
Jesse Norman said conservatives should not run candidates without a record of public service (Average PA)

Hereford MP Mr Norman issued a rallying cry for the Conservative Party to return to “true conservative values ​​and show that they are serious, competent” and dedicated to the public good.

He opposes the “creeping presidential” style of prime ministers, says there should be no more referendums and criticizes “false claims intended to represent the will of the people”.

Mr Norman was among senior Tories who called for Mr Johnson to resign as prime minister in 2022.

In a public letter to Mr Johnson at the time, Mr Norman accused him of trying to import a presidential system into Number 10 and of “occasionally breaking the law” following the Downing Street Partygate scandal.

The letter contains distinct echoes of his new manifesto for a conservative revival.

Mr Norman was also a fierce critic of the decision to hold the 2016 EU referendum, when former journalist Mr Johnson claimed his successful Brexit campaign and take back control slogan “was the will of the people”.

In an article published in the Tory-backed think tank Onward, Mr Norman says that “far from bouncing back”, the Tories could be “completely wiped out” at the next election.

To avoid this, it must introduce “intellectual and practical” changes to restore its “fundamental values, authenticity and legitimacy”.

Jesse Norman attacks politicians claiming to represent the will of the people
Jesse Norman attacks politicians claiming to represent the will of the people (Reuters)

He must “gain a certain confidence and conviction, show that he is serious, competent and oriented towards the public good”.

Mr Norman, 62, who does not refer by name to Mr Johnson or any other current Tory figure, questions how, during the Brexit debate, some Tory leaders “claimed to have represented the will of the people”.

Such a statement, taken literally, is invariably false,” he says.

It was part of a “dangerous attempt to win through emotion what perhaps could not be won through calm discussion.”

According to Mr. Norman, being a “true conservative” means avoiding slogans and seeking to appease public emotions, not inflame them.

Mr Norman, who supported Mr Johnson when he became Prime Minister and was Treasury Minister in his government, is calling for two “specific tests” for parliamentary candidates.

They must demonstrate that they have already “made a significant commitment to public service”. The Independent He understands this could include those who have been local councillors, volunteered or served in the armed forces. If candidates fail any of the tests, they should not be allowed to run in the next election.

Mr Norman is also urging Tory supporters to re-examine some of their traditional attitudes, adding: “Tories will naturally and rightly rejoice in the achievements of great heroes from Elizabeth I to Winston Churchill.”

But they could not “ignore the many stories of British discrimination, domination and injustice towards others.

Mr Norman's letter calling on Johnson to resign as Prime Minister in 2022 said: “I have always been deeply committed to public service. You presided over a culture of casual lawbreaking at 10 Downing Street in relation to Covid.

“You are the leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party, yet you are putting the Union in grave danger. Sensible planning has been replaced by meaningless rhetoric.

“Worse still: you are trying to import elements of a presidential system that are completely foreign to our constitution.

“All of these things are at odds with decent and appropriate conservatism, with integrity and with the public good. The fact that you continue this charade by remaining in power insults the electorate.”




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