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Trump assassination plot suspect pleads not guilty

Trump assassination plot suspect pleads not guilty
Trump assassination plot suspect pleads not guilty


The man accused of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump at his Florida golf course has pleaded not guilty to the charges in federal court.

Prosecutors say Ryan Routh, 58, was seen with a rifle while hiding in the bushes near Trumps Golf Course in West Palm Beach earlier this month.

A Secret Service officer protecting the former president reportedly spotted the barrel of his rifle poking through a fence and opened fire. Routh fled and was later arrested on Interstate 95, the main highway through the state.

In addition to the attempted assassination of Trump, Routh was charged with firearms offenses and assault on an officer.

On Monday, Routh appeared in court handcuffed and dressed in a brownish prison jumpsuit, according to CBS News, the BBC's US partner.

After each charge was read to him, he shook his head in acknowledgment of the charges.

His lawyers pleaded not guilty and requested a jury trial. The hearing lasted approximately five minutes.

If convicted, Routh faces a maximum sentence of life in prison for murder.

An earlier court filing showed Routh wrote a note months ago saying he intended to kill Trump.

In a pre-written letter addressed to “Le Monde” and sent to an anonymous witness a few months earlier, Routh seemed to anticipate a failed assassination attempt against the former president.

“I did my best and gave all the courage I could,” the letter read, offering a cash reward to anyone “can finish the job.”

Routh has been held in jail in Florida since his arrest on September 15.

He has a lengthy criminal record, including a felony firearm conviction for possessing a fully automatic machine gun, and has therefore been prohibited from possessing firearms.

He was active in recruiting volunteers to fight in Ukraine's war against Russia and had an eclectic range of political views, although he is registered as a Democrat and has posted anti-Trump messages online.

Routh's alleged plot was the second attempt on Trump's life after Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old armed with an AR-style rifle, opened fire on the former president during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July.

Crooks was shot by counter-snipers.

The Secret Service, the government agency charged with protecting the president as well as other politicians and their family members, has been heavily criticized for allowing a gunman to get so close to the former president.

Trump and his allies have complained about his Secret Service. On Monday, the former president said his protection had been reduced, forcing him to hold an event in Wisconsin over the weekend indoors, rather than outdoors, at a venue with greater capacity .

The Secret Service said it was understaffed due to the annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The agency is responsible for protecting foreign leaders during U.S. visits, and more than 140 people were expected at last week's U.N. meeting.




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