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Jon Stewart denounces his supporters' “bizarre” representation of Donald Trump

Jon Stewart denounces his supporters' “bizarre” representation of Donald Trump
Jon Stewart denounces his supporters' “bizarre” representation of Donald Trump


On Monday's episode of “The Daily Show,” host Jon Stewart highlighted how former President Donald Trump differs from his supporters' perception of him.

“The qualities and policies that people claim are what they admire and like about former President Trump do not seem to be an accurate reflection of that former president,” Stewart said. “It's as if they've created a fictional character, a Bizarro-Trump, whose accomplishments and character bear little resemblance to the type of perpetual, self-aggrandizing victim he keeps explicitly telling you that he is.”

During the segment, the “Daily Show” host claimed he was an undecided voter still debating between Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump. “It was basically me and six people who were kicked in the head by very powerful horses,” he said.

Stewart first looked at how Harris had been repeatedly criticized for not providing enough details about her policies. Afterward, “The Daily Show” aired several clips of Trump providing inconsistent responses when asked to speak specifically about his policies.

“So it’s clear that what people like about Donald Trump is not his clear and specific policies like they demand from Kamala Harris,” Stewart said. “But hey, I’m always open. I am an undecided voter. You know, because the horse kicked the head. Let’s hear from some passionate Trump supporters about what they see as his strengths.”

“The Daily Show” cuts to footage of various Trump supporters sharing what they believe are the former president's characteristics, including that he is the “best friend American workers have ever had in the House White “.

“He’s our best friend!” Donald Trump is the champion of hard-working men and women,” Stewart said mockingly. “He’s behind every type of worker, from auto to sex.”

The late-night show then aired clips of Trump saying he “hated giving overtime” to his workers, and admiring Elon Musk for being the “biggest cutter” when employees wanted to strike or quit.

“I say every time Trump talks about workers it's like watching 'A Christmas Carol' in reverse. “I just fired these three ghosts trying to work overtime!” Stewart said. “So supporting workers is nonsense.”

Stewart also noted that Trump supporters praised him as someone who would protect free speech, but — as the show demonstrated — there have been numerous instances where Trump has violated this constitutional right.

Stewart concluded the segment by saying, “This fictional Trump who is portrayed as much better than he actually is, is running for president of a country he portrays as much worse than he is.” is in reality. But I have to tell you that whatever country it is, where families are routinely murdered multiple times while making breakfast, it could really use the real Donald Trump. The rest of us, not so much.




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