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Armenian Bar Association files suit in US amid global Magnitsky sanctions against Erdogan-linked military contractor – Armenia Public Radio

Armenian Bar Association files suit in US amid global Magnitsky sanctions against Erdogan-linked military contractor – Armenia Public Radio
Armenian Bar Association files suit in US amid global Magnitsky sanctions against Erdogan-linked military contractor – Armenia Public Radio


The Armenian Bar Association filed an applicationcomplaintas part of the Global Magnitsky Sanctions program against SADAT International Defense Consultancy, a military contractor linked to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, alleging human rights violations.

The complaint, filed on September 18, claims that SADAT recruited mercenaries linked to terrorist groups and deployed them in conflict zones such as Nagorno-Karabakh, Libya and Syria. It specifically alleges that these fighters were involved in rights violations during Azerbaijan's 2020 offensive against Nagorno-Karabakh.

The report also accuses SADAT of recruiting minors and coordinating with Turkish military and intelligence agencies, implying potential state involvement.

SADAT, Turkey's first national military consulting company and paramilitary organization, was established by former Erdogan aide Adnan Tanrverdi and 23 retired military officers on February 28, 2012.

According to its founding documents, SADAT's mission is to make the Islamic world self-sufficient in terms of military power. Retired General Tanrverdi once said that SADAT was created at the request of officials in Erdoan's government. Tanrverdi also served as a senior advisor to President Erdogan between 2016 and 2020.

According to the report, SADAT recruited Syrian mercenaries for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Two Syrian mercenaries were eventually captured and tried in Armenia. Furthermore, the mercenaries were allegedly instructed to commit numerous human rights violations in Nagorno-Karabakh. Al-Shkher, one of the captured mercenaries, confirmed that Syrian mercenaries sent to Nagorno-Karabakh were promised an additional $100 for each Armenian who died, in addition to a $2,000 salary.

He further stated that his group was ordered to kill all the soldiers and civilians in a village, leaving no one alive, and to burn and blow up the houses. According to court documents, on October 11, 2020, mercenaries entered the town of Hadrut, burned houses and brutally killed civilians, including a woman and her disabled son.

SADAT is attracting growing attention following U.S. allegations that it trains Syrians who are then deployed to support pro-Turkish forces in war zones like Libya.

THE Magnitsky Act on Global Accountability for Human Rightsenacted by the United States in 2016, allows for the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for significant human rights violations and corruption. Named for Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who died after uncovering large-scale corruption, the law allows the United States to impose asset freezes, travel bans and other restrictions.

The Armenian Bar's complaint aims to apply these measures to SADAT and its CEO, Ali Kamil Melih Tanrverdi, the son of Adnan Tanrverdi, who died last month.




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