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Harris drops TV ads targeting Trump on health care and Obamacare

Harris drops TV ads targeting Trump on health care and Obamacare
Harris drops TV ads targeting Trump on health care and Obamacare


WASHINGTON Kamala Harris is launching a seven-figure health care ad campaign, targeting Donald Trump's calls to replace the Affordable Care Act with a mysterious plan he has yet to release.

The ad campaign, first reported by NBC News, aims to raise the profile of the issue and capitalize on what polls see as a Trump weakness. In the new 60-second spot, Trump says during his one-on-one debate with Harris that he has ideas for a plan to remake America's health care system.

You have no plan, Harris tells Trump in the ad while touting her calls for protecting the ACA (or Obamacare) and extending Biden-Harris policies that expanded subsidies to purchase coverage and capped the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 per month.

His team argued that Trump would simply eliminate the ACA, which would threaten coverage for the nearly 50 million people covered by the 2010 law by eliminating subsidies to purchase coverage, dismantling marketplaces for Obamacare plans, and canceling rules prohibiting insurers from billing sick people. more.

The ad, called Concepts of a Plan, will air in battleground states on broadcast and cable shows, the campaign says, targeting diverse audiences on programs such as 9-1-1, Brilliant Minds, Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Grays Anatomy, as well as networks like Hallmark Channel and TLC during movies and shows related to medicine and health, Dr. Pimple Popper and Untold Stories of the ER.

It will also be broadcast nationally on “NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt” ahead of the vice presidential debate Tuesday night. And the Harris campaign said it plans to continue this campaign with more health care-focused ads in the future.

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The Harris campaign cited a new Gallup poll showing that health care remains a top issue for voters and that two-thirds of American adults believe it did not receive enough attention during the presidential campaign, including included a majority of Democrats, Republicans and independents. The poll found that independents are more likely to trust Harris to improve access to health care, increase quality, reduce costs and protect Medicare.

Notably, about one in three independents said they did not trust any of the candidates on these issues. That's what Harris hopes to change.

Being president depends on who you fight for. Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth and talks about health care, he makes it clear that he is only in it for himself and his wealthy friends, not for the tens of millions of elderly Medicaid beneficiaries. and Americans with pre-existing health conditions who know the Affordable Care Act is a lifeline, Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler said via email, while promising Harris would support the reducing costs and protecting access to health care for all Americans if elected.

Trump changes his ACA rhetoric

Trump has continued to criticize the ACA, but he recently softened some of his rhetoric, vowing that he would only overturn the law if he found a better, cheaper alternative. He said during the September 10 debate that he would clarify what that would mean in the not-too-distant future.

Trump also misrepresented and downplayed his fight to repeal the ACA during his four years as president.

When asked when he would release his health care plan, the Trump campaign did not respond. He relayed to NBC News a wide range of goals, promising that Trump would eliminate waste, fraud and abuse throughout the health care system, ensure Americans get quality medicines at the best prices and give always put patients first.

Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, share the underlying principles of using more market choice and efficiency as tools for better, more affordable health care, Brian Hughes said, senior advisor to the Trump campaign, in a statement.

Vance recently fueled the health care debate by launching high-risk pools for certain people, an idea that some conservatives have supported as a way to combat high costs. Previous proposals for high-risk pools would separate healthy and sicker people into separate categories, reducing costs for the former and increasing them for the latter, unless the government spends massively to cover those at risk. higher risk. Democrats say the ACA is needed to enroll healthier people and spread risks, easing the burden on insurers so they don't have to charge exorbitant costs to neediest patients.

Vance spokesman William Martin said of his remarks: Senator Vance was simply speaking about the significant improvements President Trump has made to the Affordable Care Act through his deregulatory approach, which aimed to reduce the cost premiums while ensuring coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Trump won the 2016 election while promising to repeal the ACA, but he has struggled on the issue ever since. He pushed in 2017 for a repeal and replace bill that is expected to cost millions their coverage and weaken regulations that protected people with preexisting conditions. It passed the GOP-controlled House that year and died in the Senate. But Trump persisted, using executive actions to try to weaken the law and asking the Supreme Court to strike it down completely in 2020.

Along the way, the ACA, signed by President Barack Obama, overcame its disapproval and became popular with the public. Health care was a major boon for Democrats in the 2018 and 2020 elections, according to exit polls, which indicate many voters prioritized health care and largely favored Democrats over Republican Party.

A recent Associated Press national survey found that voters trust Harris 50 to 30 percent to handle health care over Trump. The survey finds that Trump led on other major issues, like handling the economy and handling immigration.

It's a tricky issue for Trump, as he seeks to appeal to working-class and low-income voters of all backgrounds, including Americans who may have soured on Democrats on other issues but who are more likely to rely on a health care safety net to build a winning coalition. .

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said his policies would reduce costs by focusing on patients rather than businesses and increasing the quality of care in the marketplace.




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