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New NATO chief agrees with Erdoan on fight against terrorism

New NATO chief agrees with Erdoan on fight against terrorism
New NATO chief agrees with Erdoan on fight against terrorism


New NATO chief Mark Rutte said Tuesday that he and President Recep Tayyip Erdoan agree on the fight against terrorism, stressing that efforts must be undertaken within the NATO context.

In his first press conference as NATO Secretary General, Rutte reiterated his three main priorities in his new post: the ability to protect against any threats, support for Ukraine in the fight against war Russia and the response to growing global challenges to Euro-Atlantic security. .

“There is nothing we cannot achieve together,” said Rutte, who officially took office on Tuesday in Brussels, succeeding Jens Stoltenberg.

Asked about Trkiye's expectations regarding the fight against terrorism and the lifting of embargoes between NATO allies, Rutte replied: “This is a very important question.”

Claiming to have discussed these issues several times with Erdoan, Rutte added that the two men worked together during his 14 years as Dutch prime minister, as well as during Erdoan's tenure as Turkish prime minister, then as president from 2014.

“I think I can say that we are close friends, that we agree on this and that the fight against terrorism is clearly something that we also need to address in the NATO context,” he said. he declared.

“He is not only pushing for this. I am very receptive to this because we have to work on it together,” Rutte said.

“We will. We will have those discussions,” he said.

Trkiye, a NATO member for 72 years, urged other alliance members to take a more principled stance against terrorist groups, citing in particular some NATO members' support for the PKK and its Syrian branch, the YPG, a terrorist group that threatens the borders of Trkiye.

“Unfortunately, we have not received so far the level of support and solidarity expected from our allies. We cannot tolerate this situation, nor is it consistent with the spirit of alliance, for the leaders of terrorist organizations that pose a threat to the national security of Trkiye to be accepted as legitimate actors,” Erdoan said in an interview with July magazine.

Apparently addressing Trkiye's efforts to end embargoes between NATO allies, Rutte also said: “I think it is important that within NATO there is not, let's say, boundaries in terms of who you can provide anything. I know that there is also a sensitivity there, and we need to work on that.”

Last June, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan denounced such restrictions among NATO allies, a long-standing problem for Ankara, saying: “Sanctions and restrictions affect not only the allied country subject to them, but also undermine NATO’s deterrence capacity and defense capability.”

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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