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Xi Jinping predicts rough seas on PRC's 75th anniversary Firstpost

Xi Jinping predicts rough seas on PRC's 75th anniversary Firstpost
Xi Jinping predicts rough seas on PRC's 75th anniversary Firstpost


Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that “no difficulty can stop the Chinese people from moving forward,” but at the same time warned of “rough seas” ahead, calling on the public to remain “vigilant” and to prepare for danger.
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Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that “no difficulty can stop the Chinese people from moving forward,” but at the same time warned of “rough seas” ahead, calling on the public to remain “vigilant” and to prepare for danger.

According to The GuardianSpeaking to 3,000 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members and foreign dignitaries on Monday to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, on the eve of China's National Day, Xi said: “The The road ahead will not be easy, there will definitely be difficulties and obstacles, and we may encounter major trials such as strong winds and rough seas, or even stormy waves.

However, he said “no difficulty can stop the Chinese people from moving forward”, but urged the people to be “vigilant”, prepare for danger and rely on the party and its army before difficult times. .

Xi, who strengthened his control over the CCP and the Chinese people during his tenure, praised China's progress since communist forces overthrew the Nationalist government and established the PRC.

China, the world's second-largest economy and most populous nation, is struggling to rebound from the Covid-19 pandemic and is experiencing problems in its real estate sector, compounded by an aging population and weak consumer spending.

Recently, the government has implemented measures to stimulate the economy, such as lowering interest rates and raising the retirement age, but analysts warn that these measures may prove insufficient. Additionally, ongoing territorial disputes with the Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan continue to fuel tensions with the United States, a key ally of all three countries.

During his speech, Xi reiterated his intention to annex Taiwan in what he calls reunification.

The CCP claims Taiwan as a Chinese province and its integration into the PRC is a key priority. Taiwan, however, has never been governed from the Chinese mainland since the CCP took power there.

“Taiwan is China's sacred territory, and people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are related by blood, and blood is thicker than water. » The Guardian Xi quoted Chinese state media as saying.

“No one can stop the wheel of history,” he added.

The CCP has not ruled out the use of force to seize Taiwan, enacting laws that impose the death penalty on serious separatists, including senior officials of Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

The people of Taiwan and their democratically elected government are overwhelmingly rejecting CCP rule and strengthening their internal defenses in anticipation of a potential attack.

The United States remains a major arms supplier, with the recent approval of a $567 million military sales package for Taiwan.

In response, China accused the United States of “colluding” with separatists and warned that such support would “backfire.” A Chinese spokesperson stressed that no amount of US weapons will weaken its resolve against “Taiwan independence.”

“No matter how many weapons the United States supplies to the Taiwan region, it will never weaken our firm resolve to oppose Taiwan's independence and safeguard Taiwan's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China. The Guardian a spokesperson quoted.

Although Xi Jinping's speech on the 75th anniversary of the CCP was widely reported in state media, media coverage was muted compared to previous years, likely reflecting the financial pressure on Chinese citizens.

In contrast, Hong Kong is expected to host a record number of events under close police surveillance, following a crackdown on dissent and an electoral overhaul ensuring only pro-Beijing officials can hold office.

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