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Boris Johnson claims to know the disease that killed Queen Elizabeth II

Boris Johnson claims to know the disease that killed Queen Elizabeth II
Boris Johnson claims to know the disease that killed Queen Elizabeth II


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson reveals allegedly private information about the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

Her Majesty, who died in September 2022, was battling “a form of bone cancer,” according to Johnson, and knew from the summer “that she was going away.”

Official documents released after the Queen's death confirmed the cause was old age. She was 96 years old.


Queen Elizabeth II smiles in a teal jacket and matching hat with feathers sticking out

According to former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Queen Elizabeth II suffered from “a form of bone cancer” in the last years of her life. (Jane Barlow – WPA Swimming Pool/Getty Images)

Johnson wrote about this in his upcoming book, “Unleashed,” where he recounts his final interactions with the Queen. In an extract obtained by the Daily MailJohnson wrote that he visited the Queen at her Balmoral residence just two days before the death of Britain's longest-reigning monarch. Earlier that summer, Johnson had resigned from Parliament.

“Like all my 13 predecessors, I came to spend the last hour of my mandate as Prime Minister in the company of Queen Elizabeth II. It was September 6, 2022, more than two months after my resignation from my post as Prime Minister , and in our system I had to stay and take care of business while the Conservative Party chose a new leader.

“It’s been a pretty frustrating summer,” he wrote.


Boris Johnson in a bright blue suit and tie shakes hands with Lieutenant-Colonel Esquire Tom White and his private secretary Sir Edward Young before his visit with the Queen

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, right, shakes hands with the Queen's Private Secretary, Sir Edward Young, before his meeting with Her Majesty at Balmoral. (ANDREW MILLIGAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Once at Balmoral with his wife Carrie, Johnson could sense a lingering fatigue among the staff.

“Edward Young, his private secretary, tried to groom me,” Johnson wrote, according to the outlet. “I had known for a year or more that she was suffering from a form of bone cancer, and her doctors were concerned that at any moment she could experience a precipitous decline.”

Rumors that the queen battled myeloma, a cancer of the bone marrow, in the last years of her life have never been confirmed, although they have been reported.

When contacted by Fox News Digital for comment, Buckingham Palace said: “We will not offer any guidance or comment on this matter, and it should not be taken as an indication of fact.”

Johnson wrote that Young told him that the Queen had “gone down quite a bit over the summer.” When they met, Johnson wrote, “she appeared pale and more stooped, and she had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, probably from drips or injections.”


A frail Queen Elizabeth dressed in a plaid skirt and light gray sweater smiles while holding a cane and wearing glasses

Queen Elizabeth II is pictured at Balmoral Castle two days before her death. (JANE BARLOW/PISCINE/AFP via Getty Images)

“But her mind, as Edward had also said, was entirely unimpaired by her illness, and from time to time during our conversation she still flashed that great white smile in her sudden beauty that lifts the spirits .”

Johnson wrote of his close relationship with the Queen, admitting “there was nothing I couldn't tell her”. He remembers deploring the COVID-19 pandemic, its impact on individuals but also on the economy.

“'Well,'” Johnson recalled the Queen saying it. “'I guess we'll all have to start again.'”

Boris Johnson in a black suit greets Queen Elizabeth in a very pale blue dress at Buckingham Palace

Boris Johnson has detailed his close relationship with Queen Elizabeth, pictured here in 2021 at Buckingham Palace. (DOMINIC LIPINSKI/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)


“I realized she was speaking with the historical knowledge of someone who had served in uniform during World War II and whose first prime minister was Winston Churchill. She knew her kingdom was infinitely capable of bouncing back and recovering. taken and move on,” Johnson wrote, according to the Daily Mail.

Johnson said the Queen's secretary later explained to him: “She had known all summer that she was leaving, but she was determined to hang on and carry out her final duty: overseeing the peaceful and orderly transition of 'one government after another and, I expect, to add another outgoing prime minister to his record tally. “

Queen Elizabeth smiles and looks into the distance in a patterned blue dress and pearl necklaces at Windsor Castle

Boris Johnson said that although the Queen's health was declining, her spirit was not. (Dominic Lipinski – WPA Swimming Pool/Getty Images)




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