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“Why Imran Khan is the chancellor Oxford deserves”

“Why Imran Khan is the chancellor Oxford deserves”
“Why Imran Khan is the chancellor Oxford deserves”


From the daring captain who brought World Cup glory to an injured Pakistan cricket team, to the ambitious philanthropist who defied the odds to found Pakistan's first cancer hospital that provides free treatment to the poor, to a revolutionary who shook a deeply oppressive regime and the corrupt political establishment Imran Khan perfectly embodies Oxford's value proposition: to cultivate the best leaders who can drive transformative change in the world.

On Sunday August 18, Imran Khan confirmed his decision to stand in the upcoming chancellor elections in Oxford, drawing significant international attention to the process for the first time. This is largely attributable to his illegal incarceration based on false cases, deprived of a public trial, a travesty of justice. His plight has sparked an outpouring of sympathy around the world, as one of Oxford's most esteemed alumni remains confined in a stifling death cell in solitary confinement, denied the right to speak to his son and was reportedly denied medical treatment earlier this year. His plight not only defies Pakistan's constitution, but also reveals a lamentable crisis of moral conscience in the country.

As the nation collapses amid a polycrisis, an alliance between the military establishment and political parties led by the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PMLN) appears intent on crushing Imran Khan and his movement. Protesters in his favor were subjected to intense police brutality, including the incarceration of more than 10,000 political prisoners, and many party leaders were driven out of the party under apparent threat of inhumane torture. Not to mention the reported intimidation of the judiciary and journalists through the militarization of state institutions, and the resulting incessant violations of the constitution. Despite the most rigged elections in Pakistan's history, Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf emerged as the largest party this year, a testament to its popularity. As such, what could be a more spirited celebration of Oxford’s democratic values ​​than the election of Imran Khan?

Khan won the support of several MPs and Lord Daniel Hannan, as well as an open letter signed by almost 200 current students, alumni and staff, welcoming Khan's candidacy and demanding that he be allowed to stand . Yet Khan has faced attacks from a frustrated Pakistani regime, with government ministers sparing no effort to attack his campaign. Such sabotage attempts are not unprecedented for Imran Khan, given the use of public means in the past to prevent fundraising for Imran Khan's cancer hospital.

Political workers loyal to the PMLN claimed that Imran Khan's imprisonment justified his disqualification from the Chancellor race, a categorically false claim given that his convictions have all been quashed or suspended. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and Amnesty International verify this in their unequivocal statements, calling for his immediate release. Imran Khan himself has stated that he hopes to be released in the near future.

Imran Khan's candidacy also received a critical response from fringe sections of the media seeking to malign his personality. In particular, the claim that he sympathizes with the Taliban appears to be a misinterpretation of his unwavering opposition to the war on terror and his principled stance against military solutions, which have resulted in the deaths of countless innocent civilians. On the contrary, during his tenure there has been a marked global decline in terrorism, effectively refuting such speculation. Interestingly, many of Imran Khan's political rivals also claim that he is supported by the Israeli government, a contradiction that speaks to the illogical nature of these allegations. Indeed, Imran Khan's conception of a compassionate welfare state, with justice and the rule of law as the cornerstone of governance, is in fact a manifestation of the quintessential Islamic values ​​he upholds and a representation deeply inspiring of the religion of Islam in a world where sectarianism and intolerance seem to be growing.

It is equally unfortunate that Imran Khan is wrongly portrayed as a misogynist. As Prime Minister, he proved to be a champion of women's participation in governance; Khan's flagship anti-poverty program Ehsaas was chaired by Dr Sania Nishtar, an internationally renowned public health expert. Unfortunately, those who label Imran Khan in these terms have little to say about the brutal treatment meted out to women political workers, boldly fighting for the realization of his political vision. Are they not appalled by the political imprisonment for over a year of cancer survivors Dr. Yasmin Rashid and Sanam Javed, or by the accounts of physical attacks on protesters by police, violently dragged from their homes? them at midnight?

You only lose when you give up. If you don't give up, you will win in the most incredible position. The fight is in the head!

Imran Khan delivered these inspiring words in the Oxford Union Chambers at a time when it was inconceivable that he could break the existing two-party system in Pakistan. Inspired by the political visionary and poet Allama Iqbal, he speaks of the need for Oxford students to rise like Iqbals Shaheen (eagle), breaking the chains of self-doubt and, ultimately, using our privilege for the benefit of humanity. A reflection on Imran Khan’s illustrious career would reveal that these are not just superficial words of wisdom; he embodies these ideals.

It goes without saying that the Chancellor of Oxford must be an inspiration to the student body and demonstrate a true passion for education. His mother, Shaukat Khanum, having died of cancer, Imran Khan was stunned by the glaring disparities in healthcare opportunities around the world and decided to establish Pakistan's first cancer hospital to provide free treatment to people living in poverty. The two Shaukat Khanum hospitals continue to treat more than 70% of patients free of charge, according to internationally recognized standards of care. This is a remarkable feat that is a testament to Khan’s unparalleled ability to overcome the most extreme obstacles to execute his vision. He also founded Namal University, in which more than 90% of students are from disadvantaged backgrounds and blessed with the gift of education, it would be difficult to find a candidate with his achievements in reducing educational inequalities. Not to mention his role as Chancellor of the University of Bradford, in which he was described as having played a critical and important role by the Vice-Chancellor.

Given Oxford's track record of cultivating global leaders, the Chancellor is expected to inspire Oxford students to deliver significant social impact as potential leaders in politics, business, philanthropy and the beyond. As prime minister, Imran Khan's handling of the pandemic was widely praised, with the country's response ranked third in a review published in The Economist, an incredible achievement considering Pakistan's notoriously underdeveloped and corrupt bureaucracy . In the same vein, the Khans Ehsaas program has been praised by world-renowned academics at Stanford University for its innovative approach to fighting poverty. Even more remarkable is his implementation of a visionary approach to combating climate change, through the Billion Tree Tsunami initiative, under which more than a billion trees have been successfully planted. In a world facing a plethora of complex challenges, the world is looking to Oxford for leadership and Imran Khan would be the ideal candidate to reaffirm Oxford's commitment to social impact.

Imran Khan's candidacy is truly unmatched in its ability to unite people from all walks of life, across generational, ideological and cultural divides, in an extraordinary career dedicated to serving humanity. A symbol of unwavering ambition and determination in his fight for justice and the rule of law, he undoubtedly remains the candidate to beat in these historic elections.





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