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Donald Trump sued for unpaid debts during his rallies

Donald Trump sued for unpaid debts during his rallies
Donald Trump sued for unpaid debts during his rallies


Officials in Erie, Pennsylvania, are still seeking $40,330 from Donald Trump's presidential campaign to pay for aid they provided during his 2018 and 2023 campaign visits, bringing the total debt that five cities say they owe more than $740,000.

Erie's assertion was made by a spokesperson for the city's Democratic Mayor Joe Schember in a conversation with the Erie Times-News.

Added to this are more than $700,000 in unpaid debts in four cities: El Paso, Texas; Spokane, Washington; Mesa, Ariz.; and Green Bay, Wisconsin — were still searching last month for gatherings that took place between 2016 and 2019, according to a Newsweek investigation.

Erie is also calculating a currently undisclosed figure related to the rally Trump held Sunday at the city's Bayfront Convention Center that could put the total amount of unpaid debt beyond $740,330.

A 2019 report from the Center for Public Integrity found that 10 municipal authorities, including Erie and the four mentioned above, were demanding a total of $841,219 in back payments for historic Trump rallies they helped organize.

When reached for comment, a Trump campaign official asked Newsweek to refer the question to the Secret Service.

Newsweek contacted representatives of Erie Mayor Joe Schember and the Secret Service via email outside of normal business hours on Tuesday.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign rally at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie, Pennsylvania on September 29, 2024. The city of Erie is seeking $40,330 from Trump's presidential campaign in arrears. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attends a campaign rally at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie, Pennsylvania on September 29, 2024. The city of Erie is seeking $40,330 from Trump's presidential campaign in back payments. two events she helped organize in 2018 and 2023. More Jeff Swensen/GETTY

On Sunday, Trump held a rally at the 4,000-capacity Bayfront Convention Center in Erie, where he said law enforcement needed “a really violent day” to quell the crime, sparking online comparisons to The Purge film franchise.

Rob Lee, a spokesperson for Mayor Schember, told the Erie Times-News: “The Trump campaign still owes the city of Erie a total of $40,330 for public safety costs associated with campaign visits in 2018 and 2023. These costs concerned the police, firefighters. and overtime for public works personnel.

According to the Erie Times-News, the bill was split between $35,130 spent to support a midterm campaign rally hosted by then-president in 2018 at the Erie Insurance Arena, as well as a second rally organized by Trump at the same location in 2023.

Renee Lamis, Schember's chief of staff, said the city would also seek payment from the Trump campaign to cover its expenses at Sunday's Bayfront Convention Center rally, although it was still calculating that figure.

At Sunday's rally, Trump said the Biden administration blocked him from holding an outdoor rally in Wisconsin the day before as the venue was turned into an arts center in Prairie du Chien with limited capacity.

He said: “We were in Wisconsin yesterday, and other than the administration wouldn't allow us to do it – we had 50,000 people, maybe more – and we were going to have an outdoor rally , and we ended up having to do it. inside, in front of about a thousand people. »

An anonymous figure at the Secret Service, which assesses threats independently of the Biden administration, told CBS News and Axios that the agency has “never been configured to provide such a high level of protection to a growing number of protected persons”.

They said: “Our personnel and equipment are stretched to their limits to maintain the current operational tempo.

“This proposed event in Wisconsin also took place during the United Nations General Assembly, where the Secret Service is responsible for the safety and security of more than 140 world leaders amid a challenged global threat.”

Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt on July 13 when a man opened fire at a rally he was organizing in Butler, Pennsylvania. The attack killed one attendee and left the Republican presidential candidate bleeding from one ear before the gunman, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot and killed by law enforcement.

Updated 10/1/24 at 11:29 a.m. ET: This story has been updated with a response from a Trump campaign official.




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