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521 transport infrastructures built by the Widodo government: minister

521 transport infrastructures built by the Widodo government: minister
521 transport infrastructures built by the Widodo government: minister


Jakarta (ANTARA) –
The Ministry of Transportation built 521 transportation infrastructures during President Joko Widodo's term to support connectivity and smooth logistics flows as well as improve public mobility across Indonesia.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that during President Widodo's 10-year term, connectivity between regions has strengthened, with increased transportation accessibility and increased service integration.

“In line with the Medium Term Development Plan or RPJMN, the Ministry of Transport has constructed and rehabilitated/revitalized 521 physical infrastructures in the transport sector over the last decade,” he added on Tuesday.

One of the challenges of transport development in Indonesia, he explained, is the persistent inequalities between the country's regions.

Therefore, the government has emphasized the need to build transport infrastructure to improve connectivity and public mobility.

According to the ministry, the 521 transport infrastructures constructed include 157 land transport, 193 sea transport, 91 air transport, as well as 80 railway infrastructure.

Some infrastructure has been built under National Strategic Projects (NSPs), including the New Nabire Airport, the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed ​​Railway and the Patimban Port.

“We also continue to develop technology-based transportation, such as the Jabodebek LRT (Light Rapid Transit) and the Autonomous Rapid Transit in Nusantara, which is a driverless train, as well as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed train. » Sumadi noted.

In addition to building physical infrastructure, the Ministry of Transport also continues to strive to improve services through regulatory simplification, ease of licensing, good governance, innovation and to the digitalization of services, as well as to increase its footprint on the international scene.

At the same time, to support connectivity in disadvantaged, isolated, outermost and border areas, the ministry introduced pioneering services through the air bridge program, maritime toll, buses and pioneer train.

The airlift, launched in 2017, managed to reduce goods prices by 30 to 70 percent.

Meanwhile, in the rail sector, there are 10 pioneering rail routes that facilitate accessibility to major urban centers.

In the land transport sector, there are 322 pioneering routes, with average route growth recorded at 1.48% between 2014 and 2024. In the maritime sector, as many as 39 maritime toll roads connect points in the west and eastern Indonesia.

At the same time, the Ministry of Transportation also strengthens urban transportation by providing mass urban public transportation infrastructure, both road and rail.

Road-based mass urban public transport services are provided under the service purchasing system.

Meanwhile, to provide mass public transportation services on rail, several transportation options are available, including LRT, MRT (Mass Rapid Transit), and high-speed trains.

Sumadi urged people to use public transport services and reduce the use of private vehicles to avoid traffic jams in urban areas.

The Ministry of Transportation also encourages creative financing through the Government-Business Cooperation Program to accelerate the development of transportation facilities and infrastructure amid state budget constraints.

Creative financing programs that have been successfully implemented so far include the development of Bekasi Proving Ground, Patimban Port and Dhoho Kediri Airport.

Sumadi said he hopes transportation development in the next administration will be sustainable and bring greater benefits to the community.

Related news: Indonesia's maritime toll reduces price disparities between regions (minister)
Related news: More than 1,700 km of railway lines built between 2015 and 2024: government

Translator: Muhammad Harianto, Yashinta Difa
Publisher: Azis Kurmala
Copyright © ANTARA 2024




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