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Donald Trump: My plan to make America affordable again and bring back the American dream | Notice

Donald Trump: My plan to make America affordable again and bring back the American dream | Notice
Donald Trump: My plan to make America affordable again and bring back the American dream | Notice


For years, Americans have watched our country be stripped of jobs and wealth. We have seen our companies sold to foreign countries. But with my plan for the American economy, this will stop immediately. When I am president, we will start taking jobs and factories from other countries, bringing businesses and billions of dollars back to the United States.

Under my plan, American workers will no longer fear losing their jobs to foreign countries. Instead, foreign countries will fear losing their jobs to Americans. German automakers can become American automakers. We can beat China in electronics production. Manufacturers who have left us will quickly return to our shores.

Here's the deal I'll offer to businesses and manufacturers everywhere: The United States will give you the lowest taxes, the lowest energy costs, the lowest regulatory burdens, and free access to the best and most big market on the planet, but only if you make your products here in America and hire American workers for the job.

If these companies do not accept the deal, they will pay customs duties when they send us their products – made in another country. And we will use the hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs to benefit American citizens.

Republican presidential candidate, former US President Donald Trump takes a break before speaking at a campaign rally. Republican presidential candidate, former US President Donald Trump takes a break before speaking at a campaign rally. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

This new American industrialism will create millions of jobs, massively raise the wages of American workers, and make the United States a manufacturing powerhouse again.

By contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris, the tax queen, is considering taxing unrealized capital gains, so that if a company succeeds, it must pay half of its value back to the government. Harris is shutting down power plants across the country, causing electricity prices to rise more than 100 percent and putting us in third world status by attacking the entire fossil fuel industry .

In Kamala Harris' America, if you ship your production overseas, she will give you tax breaks and subsidies. With her decisive vote on what I call the “Creating Inflation Act,” she sent billions to Chinese battery factories, Chinese solar factories, and Chinese electronics factories. It's no wonder that under Kamala Harris we lost 24,000 manufacturing jobs in August 2024 alone.

But this horrible nightmare for American workers ends the day I take the oath of office.

The centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing renaissance will be a Made in America corporate tax rate of 15%, reducing the corporate tax from 21% to 15%, but again, only for those who manufacture their products in America. U.S.-based manufacturers will also be rewarded with expanded research and development tax credits to help build the sprawling, cutting-edge factories our country needs to become an industrial superpower in the modern world.

We will cut energy and electricity prices in half within 12 months, not just for businesses but for all Americans and their families, and we will quickly double our electric capacity, which we must do to compete with China and other countries in terms of artificial intelligence. With the lowest energy prices in the world, we will attract energy-intensive industries from around the planet and millions of blue-collar jobs.

We will also create special zones on federal lands with extremely low taxes and regulations for American producers, to incentivize the relocation of entire industries from other countries. And we will seriously expedite environmental approvals so we can use the resources we have right here on American soil.

And I've committed to removing 10 old, burdensome regulations for every new regulation. In my first term as president, I was the greatest regulation cutter in history!

To ensure that our pro-manufacturing policies reach their full potential, I will also appoint a manufacturing ambassador, whose sole task will be to travel the world and convince major manufacturers to package up and move their production in America.

And we will also expel millions of illegal immigrants from this country. These migrants take jobs from American workers and drive down their wages, especially those of African American and Hispanic workers. Our program will always prioritize American workers who earn good wages.

The same cannot be said of Vice President Kamala Harris, who has overseen an influx of millions and millions of illegal immigrants into the United States, presiding over the worst border crisis in American history.

If Vice President Harris gets four more years, this time as president, she will deindustrialize the United States and destroy our country. We will become a banana republic. There will be no auto industry, no steel industry, no significant manufacturing industry of any kind – and we run the risk of military defeat.

Here's a very simple fact: if you don't have steel, you don't have an army. This is one of the reasons why I will not allow Japan to buy US Steel, which 70 years ago was the largest company in the world.

My industrial policy is just one part of an economic vision to revitalize this country for the hardest-working Americans. This will join my 2017 tax cuts for American workers – the largest in US history, which I will make permanent – ​​and my new proposal to ban all taxes on overtime, tipping for service workers and social security benefits for our senior citizens. And we will deport millions of illegal immigrants and return to controlling our own borders, returning wonderful jobs to America to legal American workers.

This is how we will make America affordable again.

Vote Trump and you will see a mass exodus of manufacturing from China to Pennsylvania, from South Korea to North Carolina, and from Germany to Georgia.

We will bring back the American dream, bigger, better and stronger than ever.

Donald J. Trump was the 45th president of the United States and presidential candidate.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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