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Nearly 200 Oxford University alumni and staff back Imran Khan's bid for chancellor

Nearly 200 Oxford University alumni and staff back Imran Khan's bid for chancellor
Nearly 200 Oxford University alumni and staff back Imran Khan's bid for chancellor


Imran Khan, founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Instagram/@imrankhan.pti

LONDON: Nearly 200 alumni, staff and current students of Oxford University have petitioned the chancellor selection committee to allow former Prime Minister Imran Khan to stand in the upcoming election late this month.

The university confirmed to Geo News that it had received the petition. The staff and alumni petition is believed to have been organized by Zulfi Bukhari, Imran Khan's adviser on international affairs, who orchestrated the media campaign in the UK and the international campaign in support of imprisoned founder Khan of Tehreek-e-Insaaf in Pakistan. (PTI).

The petition in support of Khan was signed by 176 alumni and students, and it emphasizes that Khan is fit and deserving to be chancellor. The move comes after Khurram Butt, chairman of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Youth Coordination in the United Kingdom, campaigned at Oxford University last week by distributing leaflets and pamphlets to alumni and staff of the university and also submitted a petition saying that Khan is not fit to become chancellor and should not be allowed to contest elections.

The petition reads: We, the undersigned members of the student and academic community of the University of Oxford and its global alumni network, welcome the candidacy of Imran Khan for the esteemed position of Chancellor, a notable alumnus of the South whose achievements embody the values ​​that the University of Oxford is revered for. Khan has demonstrated a lifelong commitment to public service, inspiring many Oxford students through his leadership.

The petition recounts Khan's achievements as being one of the most accomplished cricketers to have studied at Oxford University, defying expectations to win the Cricket World Cup in 1992; the establishment of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, Pakistan's first cancer hospital, which continues to provide free treatment to over 70% of its patients; founding Namal University, an institution dedicated to increasing access to higher education in rural areas and promoting economic development, emphasizing its commitment to education; he was chancellor of the University of Bradford for over nine years, being a powerful role model for students and teachers; implementing the innovative Ehsaas program in Pakistan, praised by world-renowned academics for its ability to leverage technology to fight poverty; develop and implement a visionary approach to combating climate change, through the Billion Tree Tsunami initiative, under which more than a billion trees have been successfully planted.

The petition tells the university that Khan's candidacy is both a significant source of pride for Oxford and an opportunity for the university to celebrate its commitment to diversity and social impact.

Despite the claims of some political actors in the media, we are confident that Imran Khan's candidacy fully meets the requirements set by the election committee, because: Imran Khan is neither a student nor an employee of Oxford, and he is not currently serving, or running for any elected legislature; he is not disqualified as a charitable trustee and continues to be the founding president of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Namal University; claims to characterize Imran Khan as unfit and fit on the basis of his imprisonment are misleading as he is in no way convicted or found guilty and is currently in pre-trial detention, the UN Working Group on Detention arbitrary having declared his incarceration illegal; and as a matter of principle, we ask you to ensure that all candidates who meet the eligibility criteria are given the opportunity to participate in this election, which will ensure the integrity of the democratic process. The undersigned express confidence that the Election Committee will enable Imran Khan to present his vision to the esteemed members of the Oxford Convocation.

Zulfi Bukhari commented: The fact that almost 200 students signed the petition is a testament to Imran Khan's credibility. This is an exceptional achievement. Imran Khan has achieved more local and international coverage in just two months than any other leader in the history of Oxford and the British press. No other leader or candidate has benefited from such visibility. This is an opportunity for Oxford to accept Khan's papers and allow him to stand for election and become chancellor.




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