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WATCH LIVE: Trump delivers campaign speech on economy in Waunakee, Wisconsin

WATCH LIVE: Trump delivers campaign speech on economy in Waunakee, Wisconsin
WATCH LIVE: Trump delivers campaign speech on economy in Waunakee, Wisconsin


WAUNAKEE, Wis. (AP) Former President Donald Trump plans to spend the hours before Tuesday night's vice presidential debate campaigning in Wisconsin, stopping in a critical Democratic county that is crucial to the party's hopes. Democrat Kamala Harris to win the key battleground state.

The event is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. EDT. Watch in the player above.

Trump is expected to appear at a manufacturing plant in Waunakee, a suburb of Wisconsin's capital Madison in the Democratic stronghold of Dane County. Trump has never campaigned in Dane County before and has not visited there as president.

Later Tuesday, Trump is expected to hold an event at a museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin's largest city and home to the largest number of Democratic voters and the second-largest number of Republicans. His appearance there will also allow him to reach the city's conservative suburbs, a part of Wisconsin where his support has weakened but where he must do well to win.

Trump is expected to focus his comments on the economy. On Saturday, he held a rally in western Wisconsin where he accused Harris of crimes committed illegally by locals.

Both stages precede Tuesday's debate between Trump's running mate, JD Vance, a senator from Ohio, and Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz, governor of Minnesota.

Dane County, the location of Trump's first stop, is Wisconsin's fastest-growing county and an economic engine for the state, fueled by jobs in the healthcare and technology sectors. It is also home to the University of Wisconsin.

Dane County's population grew by about 30,000 people between 2016 and 2020. It has increased by another 13,000 since then, based on the latest estimate from the U.S. Census Bureau.

That presents a challenge for Republicans, especially since nearly 90% of registered voters in the county cast ballots in 2020. President Joe Biden won 75% of the vote that year in Dane County, defeating Trump of 181,000 votes in the county while carrying his vote. the state of less than 21,000 people. Hillary Clinton beat Trump in Dane County in 2016 by 47 points, and Trump won the state by less than a point.

Yet Dane County is home to the third-largest number of Republican voters of any county in the state.

“President Trump's appearance will be a big boost for demoralized conservatives here,” Dane County Republican Party Chairman Brandon Maly said on X, the social media platform, when announcing the visit. He said Trump needs to get at least 23% of the vote in Dane County to have a chance of winning statewide.

Democratic presidential candidates have long come to Dane County to hold massive rallies to fire up the base. Harris campaigned there on September 20, holding a rally in Madison that drew more than 10,000 people.

Waunakee, which bills itself as “the only Waunakee in the world,” is slightly more Republican than the county as a whole. In 2020, Trump received 36% of the vote there, compared to less than 23% nationwide.

Trump is expected to speak at Dane Manufacturing, a metals manufacturer that has long hosted Republican candidates and officials. In Milwaukee, Trump will speak at Discovery World, a science and technology museum on the shores of Lake Michigan.




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