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China's Xi Jinping calls for “reunification” of Taiwan in historic National Day speech

China's Xi Jinping calls for “reunification” of Taiwan in historic National Day speech
China's Xi Jinping calls for “reunification” of Taiwan in historic National Day speech


China's Xi Jinping calls for “reunification” of Taiwan in historic National Day speech

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for Taiwan's “reunification” with mainland China in a major speech marking the 75th anniversary of communist China.

Beijing, China – President Xi Jinping called for Taiwan's 'reunification' in major speech marking communism ChinaIt is 75th anniversary.

President Xi Jinping delivered a speech to commemorate China's 7th anniversary.

President Xi Jinping delivered a speech to commemorate China's 7th anniversary. © AFP/Adek Berry

In a speech to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), President Xi Jinping took aim at “separatist activities” and called for the reunification of Taiwan.

“Achieving complete national reunification is the common aspiration of the Chinese people,” Xi said. “It is an irreversible trend, a question of justice, and it is in accordance with the popular will. No one can stop the march of history.”

Taiwan has been at the top of Beijing's priority list in recent weeks, as tensions have soared and provocations continued on both sides of the strait.

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On Sunday, US President Joe Biden approved $567 million in funding for the island nation's defense. In response, a Chinese spokesperson exhorted the United States to “stop arming Taiwan in any form whatsoever”.

The announcement came days after Taiwan was put on alert over Chinese missile tests, and Beijing was put on similar alert following the passage of a Japanese warship through the Taiwan Strait.

October 1 is an important date in Taiwan's history, as it was the day in 1949 when the Communist army defeated the nationalist Kuomintang forces and established the modern PRC.

Taiwan was later formed by Nationalist forces as they fled across the Taiwan Strait at the end of the two-decade civil war.

“Taiwan is a sacred territory for China,” Xi Jinping said in his speech. “People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have blood ties, and these family ties will always be stronger than others.”

Xi Jinping celebrates PRC's 75th anniversary in major speech

Xi Jinping toasted China during his 75th anniversary speech.

Xi Jinping toasted China during his 75th anniversary speech. © AFP/Adek Berry

On stage at Beijing's Great Hall of the People on September 30, President Xi Jinping called for “complete reunification of the motherland” and declared that “blood is thicker than water.”

“We must always stand firmly on the right side of history and the side of human civilization and progress,” President Xi Jinping told more than 3,000 people.

Xi said China's role in the world is to “hold high the flag of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and strive to promote world peace and tranquility and progress.” common of humanity.

Taiwan on alert after detecting Chinese missile fire
Taiwan on alert after detecting Chinese missile fire

In a summary published by XinhuaAccording to Beijing's official news agency, a number of world leaders were impressed by Xi Jinping's speech.

According to Xinhua, Iranian Vice President Shina Ansari said China had made “great, steady and significant achievements” in a statement delivered at the 75th anniversary reception.

“President Xi's speech is always an inspiration for us…China should be an example for all governments,” said Yeidckol Polevnsky, former president and secretary-general of Mexico.

In recent months, China has intensified its intimidation of Taiwan by launch military exercises and tour the island with his soldiers. He also has sanctioned the United States to provide military assistance.




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