Congress's only agenda is appeasement for votes: PM Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a public meeting for the Haryana Assembly elections, in Palwal, Tuesday, October 1, 2024. | Photo credit: ANI
At his fourth and final election rally in Haryana, set to go to polls next weekend, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said the Congress's only agenda was appeasement for votes, and called on all those who love India to stand united and vote for the country. , and the future of their children.
Addressing the Jan Aashirwad rally in Haryanas' south Palwal district, Mr. Modi said Mahatama Gandhi had experimented with truth, but these Congressmen had experimented with lies, adding that Congress leaders, behind closed doors closed, had planned to divide Bharatiya Janata Party supporters. , who, he said, were all country enthusiasts [patriots].
Mr Modi said the Congress vote bank was secure, but he wanted those who love India to fight among themselves and be divided. Stating that the people should not let the Congress succeed in its conspiracy, the Prime Minister said the entire Haryana must decide that those who love India will stand united and vote for the country, the future of their children, the safety of their daughters, new investments. and jobs.
The Prime Minister said the Congress had discussed the possibility of reinstating the now-repealed Article 370, but had not said the same about Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. He said it was the country's misfortune that the Pakistani government had supported the Congress in its stand on Article 370.
Anti-Dalit Party
Terming the Congress as India's largest anti-Dalit party, Mr. Modi said the party, as soon as it came to power in Karnataka, had removed reservation meant for the downtrodden and backward and distributed it among its vote bank on the basis of religion. He said the Congress also granted minority institution status to several colleges, schools and universities, which were earlier functioning smoothly under the law, resulting in cessation of job reservation and admission SC and OBC students in these institutes.
Continuing his attack on the Congress, Mr. Modi said the party had drawn up a plan to end reservation and Haryana was going to be its laboratory for this, but no one could snatch the reservation meant for SCs, STs and OBC as long as Modi is there. He said Congress leaders mistreated him day after day and his only crime was that he was born to a mother from the most backward class.
Deprived of amenities
Asserting that the Congress was expert in complicating issues, Mr. Modi said the party ruled the country for over six decades but a large section of the population remained deprived of basic amenities such as electricity, drinking water and roads.
The Prime Minister said that the Congress was making false promises to the people of Haryana, as it had done to the people of neighboring Himachal Pradesh, but it has been two years and the people of Himachal Pradesh had achieved nothing. The Congress showed big dreams to Himachal Pradesh government employees but was not even able to pay them their salaries on time, Mr. Modi said, adding that the Congress was a habitual cheater.
Congress leaders are promising stars to farmers in Haryana, but are not implementing the same promises in their party-ruled states like Karnataka and Telangana, Mr. Modi said, adding that the Congress's intention is not good.
Published – October 01, 2024 9:52 p.m. IST
Sources 2/ https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Delhi/only-agenda-of-congress-is-appeasement-for-votes-pm-modi/article68706595.ece The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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