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'SNL' won't feature Donald Trump or Kamala Harris before election

'SNL' won't feature Donald Trump or Kamala Harris before election
'SNL' won't feature Donald Trump or Kamala Harris before election


For now, Saturday Night Live viewers will have to make do with the show's political impressionists.

In a recent interview ahead of the show's 50th season, SNL creator and longtime maestro Lorne Michaels revealed that he hasn't contacted the real contestants and has no plans to do it before the 2024 election. “You can't bring in the real candidates because of election laws and equal time provisions,” he told the Hollywood Reporter, before clarifying: “You can't have the major candidates without having all the candidates, and there are a lot of minor candidates who are only on the ballot in three states, and it gets really complicated.

Michaels instead focused his attention on the mix of new and old performers he tapped to impersonate Washington, D.C. power players, including Kamala Harris (Maya Rudolph), Tim Walz (Jim Gaffigan), Donald Trump (James Austin Johnson) and JD. Vance (Bowen Yang). In the same interview, part of THR's most recent cover story, Michaels said he saw the show's 50th season as an opportunity to bring back former cast members and friends from the show , which he also did with Dana Carvey (who played Joe Biden) and Andy Samberg (Douglas Emhoff). Of course, just because using actual political figures is complicated doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, this has already been done.

Most notably, in November 2015, SNL asked Trump to host the program in the midst of what was a contentious Republican primary, with 13 candidates vying with Trump for the GOP nomination. As SNL writer Bryan Tucker would later tell THR: “People had different opinions on his presence at that point, but that week he was in second place in Iowa, behind Ben Carson. He was undoubtedly a national phenomenon, but he was not about to become president.”

After his hosting gig, NBC counted exactly how many seconds he appeared on screen – 12 minutes and five seconds – then offered his opponents the same amount of free airtime in prime time or during the period of SNL. (Years earlier, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin appeared in a skit less than a month before the 2008 election, equating Tina Fey's impression of Palin with reality, but no concern for same time had not been raised by the Obama campaign at the time.)

The FCC's equal time rules were established by the Communications Act of 1934 and require broadcasters to grant rival political campaigns equal access to the airwaves before an election. Although there are exceptions to the rule, current events being the most important, with the FCC stating that “bona fide television newscasts, interview programs, certain types of news documentaries, and spot coverage “bona fide news events” are among the exceptions. — they apply to campaign advertisements as well as entertainment programs. (In fact, during Dr. Mehmet Oz's 2022 Pennsylvania Senate campaign, episodes of his daytime talk show were pulled from stations that served Pennsylvania, with the FCC determining that this would be considered a triggering event .)

Once in office, Trump took issue with his treatment by SNL. He tweeted that the FCC and FEC should look into the veterans' late-night series because of its “one-sided” skits about him, and suggested that as a result he should be given equal time. Michaels, for his part, has long argued that this show is neither left nor right, but rather against whoever is in power. Or as “Weekend Update” co-anchor Michael Che put it, “it’s about seeing the truth and pointing out that the emperor doesn’t wear clothes.” »

Michaels doesn't seem to rule out the possibility of having real politicians on the show after the election – and while he has every intention of going strong for both right and left in the lead-up, he doesn't plan that. which impacts his chances of getting them on the show. “Everyone knows what we’re doing and I think we’re going to do it again. This is what we are supposed to do,” he explained. “So what's interesting is if you say to the people we just did this to, 'Will you come because we have a way to do this with you?' They almost always say yes.




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