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Reporter's Inbox: Why is Trump tweeting about the Virgin Mary and St. Michael?

Reporter's Inbox: Why is Trump tweeting about the Virgin Mary and St. Michael?


Former President Donald Trump is infamous for his enthusiastic use of Twitter (now X). Throughout his time on the social media site, he has used it to attack his political opponents, support NFTs, sell watches and sneakers, and now to share images of Catholic saints.

Sharing an image of St. Michael on his feast day, September 29, Trump tweeted the words of the St. Michael prayer without further context or elaboration.

Saint Michael is considered the defender of the Catholic Church and is often described as a spiritual warrior and leader in the struggle between good and evil. Before the Second Vatican Council of 1962-1965, the Saint Michael Prayer had been an essential part of the conclusion of every Mass since its composition by Pope Leo XIII in the late 1800s. Since 2018, the prayer has returned to the used in some dioceses in the United States after gaining renewed interest in the wake of the sexual abuse crisis.

By evoking prayer, which refers to spiritual warfare and combat, one could argue that Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, is trying to curry favor with Catholics who believe they are “attacked” by secular society.

Responses from Trump supporters to his message likened this election to the same battle between good and evil spoken of in the St. Michael prayer, with some pledging their support for the “battle” to come. Some commentators were of the opinion that God was on “their side.” Others were surprised and confused by this reference.

However, this is not the first time that Trump has tweeted a Catholic image out of context.

On September 8, the day Catholics celebrate the Nativity of Mary, Trump tweeted an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe saying, “Happy Birthday Mary!”

It should be noted that Trump used an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, an image of Mary when she appeared in Mexico in 1531 and not an image of Mary of Nazareth. This nuance seemed lost on both the former president and the majority of those who commented on the post.

About ten days earlier, Trump had angered pro-life Catholics by expressing support for publicly funded in vitro fertilization treatments, and criticized Florida's six-week abortion ban as “too short”. Our Lady of Guadalupe is considered the patron saint of unborn children.

Despite Trump's fluctuating stance on abortion, pro-life Christians flocked to comments on both tweets, sharing AI-generated images of Jesus with the former president, or praising Trump as a warrior against wrong. Others simply responded with an affirmative “amen,” including a prominent Catholic priest on Twitter.

After being banned from most social media platforms for his alleged role in fomenting the January 6, 2021 insurrection, Trump has been back on X since August 12, 2024. He was reinstated shortly after Elon Musk bought Twitter, but became active again. after Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race. Trump has since received enthusiastic support from Musk.

Before that, Trump was only visible on Truth Social, a Twitter alternative co-owned by the former president himself. He still publishes there occasionally.

But Trump isn't just courting Catholics on social media. The former president will attend the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, an event focused on raising funds for Catholic Charities. Kamala Harris chose not to attend.

In criticizing his opponent for not attending the event, Trump turned to Truth Social instead of X to say: “It's sad, but not surprising, that Kamala decided not to attend. I don't know what she has against our Catholic friends, but it must be a lot, because she certainly hasn't been very nice to them, in fact, Catholics are literally being persecuted by this Administration.”

Repeating his oft-used phrase about whatever demographic he's speaking about on that date, Trump also appealed to Catholics on an intellectual level.

“Any Catholic who votes for Comrade Kamala Harris should have their heads examined,” he said.

To date, Trump has not posted any references to or observances of any other religion or denomination, fueling rumors (or perhaps prayers) on social media that the former president might be interested in converting, although there is no indication of this.




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