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Biden to visit hurricane-hit North Carolina, PM Modi to launch sanitation projects… Today's headlines Firstpost

Biden to visit hurricane-hit North Carolina, PM Modi to launch sanitation projects… Today's headlines Firstpost
Biden to visit hurricane-hit North Carolina, PM Modi to launch sanitation projects… Today's headlines Firstpost


It will be a packed Gandhi Jayanti (October 2) with several important events planned for the day.

US President Joe Biden is set to visit storm-ravaged North Carolina to see the toll of Hurricane Helene, while Prime Minister Modi is set to launch sanitation and rehabilitation projects today. cleanliness worth over Rs 9,600 crore.

Meanwhile, Prashant Kishor is set to launch his own political party in Bihar while two women naval officers will embark on a global sailing expedition.

An annual solar eclipse known as the Ring of Fire is expected to be visible to millions of people. This is a rare phenomenon that will mainly be visible in South America, the Pacific Ocean, the Arctic region, Peru and Fiji.

Here's everything that's likely to happen today.

Joe Biden to visit hurricane-hit North Carolina

US President Joe Biden will travel to storm-ravaged North Carolina on Wednesday to assess the toll of Hurricane Helene, the news agency reported. Reuters.

Residents of western North Carolina faced a “post-apocalyptic” landscape Monday in the wake of Helen's crash, with hundreds still missing and residents struggling to navigate roads. flooded and a lack of basic services.

Biden will participate in a local briefing and aerial tour of Asheville, he said on the social media platform X. He said he also plans to visit Georgia and Florida as soon as possible.

PM Modi to launch sanitation projects worth over Rs 9,600 crore

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to launch sanitation and cleanliness projects worth Rs 9,600 crore today. He will also mark the completion of 10 years of the launch of the Swachh Bharat Mission by participating in the Swachh Bharat Diwas program.

The Swachh Bharat Diwas program will showcase India's decade-long achievements in sanitation as well as those of the recently concluded 'Swachhata Hi Seva' campaign.

The Swachh Bharat Diwas program will also set the stage for the next phase of this national effort. PTI
The Swachh Bharat Diwas program will also set the stage for the next phase of this national effort. PTI

“Marking the completion of 10 years of the launch of one of the most significant mass movements for cleanliness – the Swachh Bharat Mission – Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will participate in the Swachh Bharat Diwas 2024 program on the occasion of Gandhi's 155th Jayanti on October 2 at around 10 am at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi,” said a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

Prashant Kishor to launch political party in Bihar

Political strategist Prashant Kishore is likely to launch his own political party in Bihar today. Earlier, he announced that he would launch his party at a press conference, but did not provide further information.

He said: “I have never been the leader and I never aspire to be. It’s time for people to take leadership roles. Prashant Kishor is gearing up to mark the completion of the first stage of his 'Jan Suraaj' initiative, which began on October 2, 2022, the news agency reported. Indo-Asian News Service (IANS).

He revealed that on this date, the names of the Jan Suraaj leadership council members and the party leader will be disclosed. Kishor also said that plans for the second stage of the initiative, including potential solutions to Bihar's challenges, will be presented in February or March 2025.

Two female Navy officers to embark on global sailing expedition

Two women officers of the Indian Navy will today embark on an extraordinary expedition to circumnavigate the world by 21,600 nautical miles (about 40,000 km) over a period of eight months.

Lieutenant Commander Dilna K and Lieutenant Commander Roopa A will navigate some of the most dangerous waters, including the perilous passage around the three major capes, namely Cape Leeuwin, Cape Horn and Cape of Good Hope, said naval officials.

Indian Navy women officers Lt Cdr Dilna K and Lt Cdr Roopa A during a curtain raiser on the mission to circumnavigate the world with the second edition of the Navika Sagar Parikrama expedition, in New Delhi. PTI
Indian Navy women officers Lt Cdr Dilna K and Lt Cdr Roopa A during a curtain raiser on the world tour mission in New Delhi. PTI

“We are fully prepared for the trip,” the two female officers told reporters. The two will circumnavigate the world on board the Indian Naval Sailing Vessel (INSV) Tarini, which will fly the flag of the Naval Ocean Shipping Node, INS Mandovi, Goa.

The annual solar eclipse will be visible

Sky watchers will be delighted to witness the solar eclipse known as the “Ring of Fire” eclipse. This rare sight occurs when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth but does not entirely block the Sun. Instead, the Sun's edges remain visible, creating a bright ring around the Moon's silhouette.

This is a rare phenomenon because solar eclipses only occur during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon align on the same side of Earth. Although a new moon occurs approximately every 29.5 days, solar eclipses are much less frequent, occurring only two to five times per year.

The annular phase of the October 2 eclipse will last about 7 minutes and 25 seconds at its peak, obscuring about 93% of the Sun's disk.

With the contribution of agencies




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