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Christian school employee's appeal against dismissal heard this week

Christian school employee's appeal against dismissal heard this week
Christian school employee's appeal against dismissal heard this week


PA Media Kristie Higgs smiles for the camera. She has long, shoulder-length brown hair and wears a white top.Average PA

Kristie Higgs' case will be heard at the Royal Courts of Justice on Wednesday.

Senior judges will hear a school worker's appeal against her dismissal after she claimed she was fired because of her Christian beliefs.

Kristie Higgs, 47, was dismissed for serious misconduct by Farmor's School in Fairford, Gloucestershire, in 2019.

The move came after she shared Facebook posts criticizing plans to teach LGBT+ relationships in primary schools.

The hearing is due to begin on Wednesday at the Royal Courts of Justice and Ms Higgs said she hoped her case would allow people to “express their beliefs without fear of being silenced”.

Ms Higgs, originally from Fairford, shared and commented on posts raising concerns about relationships education at her son's Church of England primary school.

Pupils were to learn about the No Outsiders In Our School programme, a series of books teaching the Equality Act in primary schools.

Ms Higgs, who posted on Facebook under her maiden name, shared two posts in October 2018 with around 100 friends.

One of the messages referred to “brainwashing our children.”

An anonymous complaint was made to the school and Ms Higgs was suspended and, after a disciplinary hearing, dismissed for serious misconduct.

Ms Higgs, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, took the school to an employment tribunal, arguing she had been unlawfully discriminated against because of her Christian beliefs.

The school had denied firing the mother-of-two because of her religious beliefs and said she was fired because of the language used in the messages.

In its 2020 decision, the court found that her religion was a “protected characteristic” as defined by the Equality Act, but that the school had legally expelled heracknowledging that the messages could have been considered homophobic and transphobic.

“Way of expression”

During the hearing, the school's governor, Stephen Conlan, said she was fired because of the language used in the messages.

He told the court: “We were not concerned about Ms Higgs’ religious beliefs. We were concerned about how these beliefs were expressed. »

Ms Higgs appealed against this judgment to the Employment Appeal Tribunal in London, who ruled in his favor and referred the matter to an employment tribunal for a new decision.

Ms Higgs' lawyers appealed the decision to order a rehearing at the employment tribunal and earned the right that his case be heard by the judges of the Court of Appeal.

The court allowed intervention by the Association of Christian Teachers, the Free Speech Union, Sex Matters, the Church of England Archbishops' Council and the Equality and Human Rights Commission .

Before the hearing, Ms Higgs said: “I wouldn't want any parent to go through what I have gone through over the last five years. No one should be fired for raising the concerns I have about the way I did it.

“I now pray that the Court of Appeals will do the right thing and issue a decision that protects the freedom of Christian employees and parents to express their beliefs without fear of being silenced.”




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