PM Modi unveils Mission Amrut: water and sewage plants to make cities cleaner | News from India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday announced the launch of Mission Amrut, the next phase of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, during a speech marking the 10th anniversary of the flagship programme. The new mission aims to further improve urban sanitation by providing cities with modern water and wastewater treatment plants, thereby ensuring cleaner and more sustainable living conditions across India.
In his speech, Prime Minister Modi celebrated the success of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and expressed gratitude to the citizens of India for their overwhelming support during the decade-long campaign. There have been 2.7 million programs organized through Seva Parikrama, and millions of people have participated in the last 15 days, he said, highlighting the public's contribution to the mission.
VIDEO | You all have made the Swachh Bharat Mission a success. Events are being held today in various parts of the world. Several CMs, ministers and other state representatives participated in this campaign. I was informed that in just 15 days of Sewa Pakhwada, more than pic.twitter.com/Vejafkl2Eg
Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) October 2, 2024
He urged local authorities to continue taking the mission forward, extending its reach to every district, zilla and panchayat, ensuring that streets and lakes remained clean. Prime Minister Modi also suggested introducing cleanliness competitions as a way to maintain and improve the cleanliness of public spaces.
The Prime Minister also thanked citizens for adopting eco-friendly alternatives such as cloth and paper bags, which have contributed significantly to the reduction of single-use plastics. He acknowledged the positive reception given to this initiative, particularly given fears that it could lead to job losses. I am grateful that people did not oppose this decision, Modi said.
#WATCH | Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi: Addressing the event marking 10 years of the Swachh Bharat Mission, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “…In the last 10 years, millions of Indians have made this mission their personal goal After this decade-long journey, I appreciate the contribution of. pic.twitter.com/Q9YxOtSlbc
ANI (@ANI) October 2, 2024
Reflecting on the achievements of the Swachh Bharat Mission, Prime Minister Modi recalled that ten years ago, 60 per cent of India's population still practiced open defecation. However, his government's efforts resulted in the construction of 12 million toilets across the country. He further highlighted the significant impact this had on public health, particularly for women and marginalized communities.
Lashing out at the Congress party, Modi criticized the old norm of neglecting sanitation for the poor, women and Dalits. Women had to wait until nightfall to relieve themselves, whether it was cold or raining, they had no choice but to go after sunset or before sunrise, a- he explained. He added that 90 percent of women reported feeling safer because of the availability of toilets in their homes, citing a study.
The Prime Minister explained how open defecation contributed to infections and diseases, hampering national development. The Swachh Bharat Mission was created to address this challenge, Prime Minister Modi said, highlighting the resulting significant reduction in health risks.
Modi also noted that the mission had a positive impact on girls' education, as the construction of toilets in schools helped reduce the dropout rate among female students.
Addressing the broader impact of the mission, he highlighted the job creation it fostered. We now have 5,000 startups in the cleaning sector, and several women have joined the workforce as workers, thanks to access to sanitation facilities, PM Modi said.
First publication: October 2, 2024 | 1:19 p.m. EAST
Sources 2/ https://www.business-standard.com/india-news/pm-modi-unveils-mission-amrut-water-sewage-plants-to-make-cities-cleaner-124100200327_1.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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