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PM Modi to launch 83,000 crore projects in Jharkhand

PM Modi to launch 83,000 crore projects in Jharkhand
PM Modi to launch 83,000 crore projects in Jharkhand


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil development projects worth over `83,300 crore from Jharkhand on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister visited the memorials of Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri in the national capital this morning to pay homage to them.

“Around 2 p.m., he will lay the foundation stone, launch and inaugurate various projects worth over `83,300 crore in Hazaribag,” said a statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO).

In line with his commitment to ensure comprehensive and holistic development of tribal communities across the country, the Prime Minister will launch Dharti Aaba Janjatiya Gram Utkarsh Abhiyan with a total outlay of over `79,150 crore, he said.

It will benefit over 5 million tribals in 549 districts spread across 30 states and UTs, the release said.

The program aims to address critical gaps in social infrastructure, health, education and livelihoods, through 25 interventions implemented by 17 central ministries and departments, the statement added.

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“To strengthen the educational infrastructure of tribal communities, the Prime Minister will inaugurate 40 Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) and lay the foundation stone of 25 EMRS worth over 2,800 crores,” the statement said.

Programs under PM-JANMAN

Modi will also inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of several projects under the leadership of Prime Minister Janjati Adivasi Nyaya Maha Abhiyan (PM-JANMAN) worth over 1,360 crores.

It includes over 1,380 km of roads, 120 Anganwadis, 250 multi-purpose centers and 10 school hostels.

Besides, it will also unveil electrification of over 75,800 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG) households in around 3,000 villages, operationalization of 275 mobile medical units, operationalization of 500 Anganwadi centers, establishment of 250 Van Dhan Vikas Kendras and saturation. of more than 5,550 PVTG villages with “Nal se Jal” or running water.

Modi is also expected to meet the tribal community members at Matwari ground in Hazaribag and talk about the final schedule of the BJP's Parivartan Yatra, which covered around 5,400 km across the 81 assembly segments.

Elections to the 81-member Assembly are expected to take place later this year and the dates are expected to be announced this month.

  • Also read: GST collection in September hits 1.73 lakh crore, lowest growth in current fiscal




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