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Hazaribag prepares to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Hazaribag prepares to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Hazaribag prepares to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi


With Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Hazaribagh scheduled for tomorrow (October 2), the anticipation among the people and BJP workers is electric. The visit promises both political enthusiasm and prospects of progress for the region as the Prime Minister inaugurates various development projects and social programs in Hazaribagh. At the same time, preparations are underway and security measures have been strengthened across the country.

The Prime Minister will reach Ranchi from Delhi by special plane at 1:10 p.m. After this, he will leave for Hazaribagh by helicopter. In Hazaribagh, he will launch the 'PM Janjati Unnat Gram Yojana' at the Vinoba Bhave University campus. Around 4,000 villages have been selected for this purpose in Jharkhand.

The Dharti Aaba Janjatiya Gram Utkarsh Abhiyan has a total outlay of over Rs 79,150 crore. The Abhiyan will cover around 63,000 villages benefiting over 5 million tribal people in 549 districts and 2,740 blocks in 30 states and UTs. It aims to address critical gaps in social infrastructure, health, education and livelihoods, through 25 interventions implemented by various 17 ministries and departments of the Government of India.

The Prime Minister will also inaugurate many Eklavya schools and will also launch the 'PM Janman Programme'. In order to strengthen the educational infrastructure of tribal communities, inauguration of 40 Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) and foundation stone of 25 EMRS worth over Rs 2,800 crore have been planned.

At the same time, Prime Minister Modi will also meet the representatives of Matwari tribal group of Hazaribagh. Apart from this, he will also address the BJP's 'Parivartan Yatra Mahasabha'.

After which PM Modi will return to Birsa Munda Airport in Ranchi by helicopter and then leave for Delhi by special plane.

The Ranchi administration has made tight security arrangements for Prime Minister Modi's arrival in Jharkhand. During this period, drones, paragliders and hot air balloons were completely banned in areas around Birsa Munda Airport. In this regard, the Sadar SDO of Ranchi has declared a drone-free zone. The ban order will be in effect in areas around the airport from 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on October 2.

The Prime Minister will also address a rally as part of the conclusion of the Parivartan yatra. Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched the BJP Parivartan yatra on September 20 from Bhognadih, the birthplace of Veer Shaheed Sidhu Kanhu, who led the Santhal Revolt of 1855.

The yatra, led by BJP president and former chief minister Babulal Marandi, will cover a distance of 5,400 km, crossing over 200 blocks across the state.

Meanwhile, preparations have been completed for the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. While inspecting the meeting venue, Hazaribagh division in-charge and Rajya Sabha MP Aditya Sahu said that Hazaribagh division was ready for the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. People in the neighborhood are waiting for the Prime Minister. Preparations for the program are complete. Thousands of people will participate in this program. He said that people from every village would participate in this program. People are very excited about the arrival of the Prime Minister. People are very excited to listen to the Prime Minister. He said that the general public is enthusiastic about the Prime Minister's development programs. He said the people wanted to get rid of the loot, corruption, dynasty and appeasement of the Hemant government.




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