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PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif postpones departure for London

PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif postpones departure for London
PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif postpones departure for London


Pakistan Muslim League-President Nawaz (PML-N) Nawaz Sharif has urged Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Founder Chairman Imran Khan to seek forgiveness from Allah, continuing to say that you are “reaping what you sow.”

The PML-N leader addressed various political and economic issues, criticizing opposition parties and highlighting his own party's achievements.

Nawaz began by addressing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan, whom he criticized for threatening to evict him from the Prime Minister's Residence, saying that the individual who utters such threats is now imprisoned.

Nawaz highlighted and praised the incumbent government's initiatives that provide interest-free loans, saying these programs help prevent homelessness.

He compared this with previous administrations, noting that despite launching similar projects during his own term, his party was ousted before it could make further progress.

Nawaz further listed his party's achievements including construction of highways, elimination of load shedding, anti-terrorism efforts, development of nuclear capabilities and implementation of the Orange Line metro project.

He challenged his opponents by questioning the completion of their claimed projects, such as the planting of a billion trees and the construction of numerous dams.

Addressing energy costs, Sharif discussed efforts to reduce electricity prices through the adoption of solar panels. He criticized the use of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), stating that although his party rejects IMF aid, opponents inconsistently seek it when needed.

Sharif also criticized the PTI, alleging that the party aims to incite conflicts between the provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. He urged the PTI to focus on developing its own areas by providing health cards, farmer cards, loan schemes and other essential services instead of creating unrest.

Furthermore, Sharif denounced PTI supporters as ineffective, highlighting their lack of contributions and leading role in the protests. He stressed that infrastructure was not designed for such activities, calling the PTI's actions disruptive.

Referring to Imran Khan's past threats to remove him and other officials from office, Sharif highlighted the resulting imprisonments and urged Khan to abandon his aggressive rhetoric. He stressed the importance of humility and responsibility, saying actions have consequences.

Visit to London reportedly delayed

Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has reportedly postponed his planned trip to London, originally scheduled for this week.

Local media attributed the delay to the impending fate of a recently proposed constitutional amendment bill.

Sharif, who was due to leave for London between October 3 and 5, is now expected to leave after Parliament passes the amendment which could be presented to Parliament later this week.

The former prime minister plans to have a medical check-up in London and spend time in the UK before heading to the US.




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