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Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims the late Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims the late Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims the late Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims in his soon-to-be-published memoir that Queen Elizabeth II was diagnosed with bone cancer before his death in September 2022 at the age of 96. The claim represents a significant break with royal protocol between the Prime Minister's Office and Buckingham Palace, under which the United Kingdom's elected leaders generally keep the private affairs of the royal family to themselves. .

Johnson makes the claim in his upcoming memoir, “Unleashed,” scheduled for release later in October. An extract from the book, containing alleged details of the late queen's health, was published this week in Johnson's regular column for the Daily Mail newspaper.

No senior British government official or member of the royal family has previously released details about the late queen's cause of death. An official death certificate issued a week after Queen Elizabeth's death listed the cause of death as “old age.”

Boris Johnson becomes Prime Minister
Queen Elizabeth II welcomes new Conservative Party leader Boris Johnson during an audience at Buckingham Palace, London, where she invited him to become Prime Minister and form a new government.

PA/Victoria Jones

“I had known for a year or more that she was suffering from a form of bone cancer, and her doctors feared that at any moment she might experience a precipitous decline,” Johnson explains in her book. “She appeared pale and more hunched over, and she had dark bruises on her hands and wrists, probably from drips or injections.”

Although he said the queen appeared ill, Johnson said she was still lively when he last met her.

“His mind… was completely intact,” he wrote. “She always had that big white smile in her sudden beauty that lifts your spirits.”

Johnson who was British Prime Minister between 2019 and 2022, met with Elizabeth just days before her death at her Scottish residence, Balmoral Castle, to tender her official resignation as leader of the country.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II waits to meet the new leader of the Conservative Party and British Prime Minister-elect at Balmoral Castle in Ballater, Scotland, September 6, 2022, two days before her death at the age of 96.


Buckingham Palace declined to comment when asked by CBS News about Johnson's claims. The palace does not generally comment on claims about the private lives of royal family members in books or print.

Although Johnson's remarks break with the long-standing tradition of British prime ministers not commenting publicly on what is said in private meetings with members of the royal family, they are not entirely unprecedented.

In 2014, David Cameron, then Prime Minister apologized to Queen Elizabeth for disclosing details of a private conversation with her about the results of a referendum in which the Scots rejected the idea of ​​Scotland seceding from the United Kingdom to become an independent state.

Cameron had been heard telling former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg that the monarch seemed relieved that Scots had voted to remain in the UK, suggesting the late Queen had “purred” after the final results.

Former British leaders Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have also given details of conversations and interactions they had with Queen Elizabeth in books about their tenure.

King Charles III delivers a speech at the opening of the British Parliament


Elizabeth's first son, who became King Charles III upon her death, broke with long-standing precedent of not revealing personal news about royal health earlier this year, when Buckingham Palace revealed he was being treated for canceralthough the palace did not reveal what type of cancer he is being treated for.

A month after the monarch's health problems were revealed, his daughter-in-law Catherine, Princess of Wales, revealed her own cancer diagnosis. Princess Kate said in September that she had completed her treatment, but that her “road to recovery” would be long.




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