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JD Vance's Close Ties Explained Ahead of Tonight's Debate

JD Vance's Close Ties Explained Ahead of Tonight's Debate
JD Vance's Close Ties Explained Ahead of Tonight's Debate


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Sen. JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, will likely be asked about his associations with the controversial policy agenda known as Project 2025 during Tuesday's vice presidential debate, as the candidate has close ties to the group behind this project which complicated former President Donald Trump. efforts to distance themselves from the controversial political agenda.

Senator JD Vance, Republican of Ohio, speaks at a campaign town hall in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, September 28.

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Project 2025 is a blueprint for the next conservative administration, namely a Trump presidency, developed by the Heritage Foundation with support from other right-wing organizations, which has primarily gained attention for its 900-page policy roadmap proposing wide-ranging and controversial changes to all aspects of politics. executive power.

Trump has publicly disavowed the 2025 plan as his policy agenda comes under scrutiny for its far-right proposals, saying on Truth Social that he has no idea who is behind the plan, even though more than 100 people who served in his administration helped craft it and that he had nothing to do with them, calling some policies ridiculous and appalling.

Vance, however, openly has close ties to the Heritage Foundation and its founder, Kevin Roberts, who told reporters that the organization privately really wanted Vance to be the vice president's pick and told Politico in March that the senator would absolutely be one of the leaders if not the leader of our movement.

Vance wrote the foreword to Roberts' next book in which he quoted Roberts as saying it was time to circle the wagons and load the muskets and praised the Heritage Foundation as the most influential engine of ideas for Republicans from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, also noting that Roberts' book explores many of the themes I have focused on in my own work.

The senator has a long relationship with the Heritage Foundation, writing the introduction to a 2017 report by the group that denounces increases in out-of-wedlock births, abortion, public benefits and the ideology of the sexual revolution, with a section lamenting that women are having children at older ages and spending many of their most fertile years building their careers and criticizing in vitro fertilization.

Trump's running mate did not explicitly endorse the 2025 plan, but said it contained some good ideas in his policy proposals, although he also noted that it contained some things he did not disagree with. agreement and denied any connection with the Trump campaign.

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Vance will debate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz in New York on Tuesday evening. The debate comes after Harris' campaign and Democrats repeatedly brought up Project 2025 and its extreme proposals on the campaign trail, highlighting it and Vance's support for the Heritage Foundation as a key reason to vote for Harris. No matter what Vance tries to say on the debate stage tonight, he and Trump have already shown us who they are when it comes to their close ties to the wildly unpopular Project 2025 agenda, the spokesperson said Tuesday of the Democratic National Committee, Alex Floyd, in a statement.

Chief Spokesperson

When reached for comment, Vances' Senate office referred Forbes to a July 7 Meet the Press interview in which the senator said he guaranteed[s] There are things Trump likes and dislikes about the 2025 plan, but he will be the one to determine the next administration's agenda. Asked about the 2017 report he participated in, Vance spokesperson Luke Schroeder told the New York Times that the current senator has long made it clear that he supports IVF and is not disagree with every opinion expressed in this seven-year-old report, which presents a range of unique perspectives from dozens of conservative thinkers, and criticized the publication for attacking Senator Vance for other people's opinions . The Trump campaign and the Heritage Foundation did not respond to requests for comment on Vance's ties to the organization, although the organization told the New York Times that Vance had no role in the production or approval of the content of the 2017 report.

Crucial quote

The Heritage Foundation is going to play a major role in helping us understand how to govern, in the White House, in the Senate, in the House and throughout our great country, Vance said in an April 2023 speech at a 2023 event. the Heritage Foundation. . CNN notes that his speech took place a day before the unveiling of the Project 2025 policy proposals.

What does the 2025 project propose?

Project 2025's proposals touch on all aspects of the executive branch, and the guide broadly calls for an overhaul of the federal government centered on the values ​​of dismantling the administrative state, prioritizing the nuclear family, defending the United States against global threats and achieving the blessings of freedom. His most radical proposals include overhauling the federal workforce to replace career bureaucrats with political appointees and completely abolishing many agencies, including the Department of Education, the Department of Homeland Security, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The proposals take a broad stance against transgender rights and other woke policies and would eliminate much of the federal government's efforts to combat climate change, alongside other measures such as ending all loan forgiveness students and the imposition of basic tax rates and the elimination of most deductions and benefits. He also proposes overhauling the Federal Reserve, either by removing government control over the currency entirely or by returning the United States to the gold standard.


Vance has also been a leading supporter of a key Project 2025 proposal that Trump should overhaul the federal workforce to replace many career civil servants with political appointees. He said during a 2021 podcast appearance that Trump should fire all administrative state officials, telling ABC News in February that he wanted to replace mid-level bureaucrats with people sympathetic to the government's agenda. administration.

To watch

What Trump and Vance will do if elected. Trump has no obligation to follow the policies of Project 2025, even though much of his campaign's published agenda shares similar goals. Although Trump distanced himself from Project 2025 this election, he followed a similar policy proposal that the Heritage Foundation developed for Trump before his 2016 election victory. The organization boasted, two years after the early in his term, that Trump had already followed 64% of his recommendations, notes CBS News.

Large number

93%. That's Vances' score from Heritage Action for America, the policy arm of the Heritage Foundations, based on how well his beliefs align with the organization. That's much higher than the 61% average among Senate Republicans.

Key context

Trump named Vance as his running mate on the first day of the Republican National Convention in July, ending months of speculation about his choice as the Ohio senator beat out other contenders like Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. , and North. Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Vance first gained national attention as the author of Hillbilly Elegy, a memoir chronicling his working-class upbringing, and was an outspoken critic of Trump in 2016 before ultimately changing his public stance and supporting the ex-president, earning his endorsement when Vance ran for office. Senate in 2022. Although its policy proposals were first released last year, the 2025 plan has faced increased scrutiny in recent months, particularly after Trump publicly distanced himself from it. policy. Democrats have often highlighted the policy proposal as a key reason to oppose Trump's candidacy, especially as President Joe Biden has faced criticism following his poor performance in the debates.

Further readingForbesThe 2025 Project Explained: What you need to know about the right-wing political map ahead of tonight's vice presidential debateBy Alison DurkeeForbesWhat you need to know about JD Vances' political viewsOn abortion, the economy , immigration and more ahead of tonight's vice presidential debate By Alison Durkee Forbes What we know about Trump's connection to Project 2025 As author Claims ex-president blessed him in secret recording By Alison DurkeeForbesProject 2025 think tank leader delays bookWith JD Vance ForewordAmid controversyBy Alison DurkeeForbesJD Vance praised Project 2025 group's report denouncing abortion and IVF: What you need to knowBy Alison Durkee




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