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President Stubb in Trkiye: Our alliance with NATO will continue to deepen cooperation

President Stubb in Trkiye: Our alliance with NATO will continue to deepen cooperation
President Stubb in Trkiye: Our alliance with NATO will continue to deepen cooperation


President of the Republic of Finland Alexander Stubb paid an official visit to Trkiye on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

President Stubb met with Trkiye President Recep Tayyip Erdoan. Discussions focused on bilateral relations between Finland and Turkey and cooperation within NATO, the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, international cooperation and the upcoming Finnish Chairmanship of the OSCE.

Relations between Finland and Trkiye are closer than ever. This year we celebrate the centenary of the Treaty of Friendship between our countries and, as NATO Allies, we continue to strengthen our long-standing cooperation, said President Stubb.

Risk of escalation

The presidents discussed the situation in the Middle East and the risk of regional escalation, which has increased significantly in recent days. According to President Stubb, an immediate ceasefire is needed in the Middle East.

President Stubb emphasized that there are also opportunities for cooperation in the international arena: Trkiye is a like-minded actor within the UN, and Finland and Trkiye will co-chair the Group of Friends of Mediation of the UN. The geographical location of Trkiye makes it a key player in the Middle East. The increasing complexity of conflicts makes bilateral and multilateral cooperation even more important.

During his meeting with Numan Kurtulmu, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Trkiye, the President emphasized that cooperation between the Finnish and Trkiye parliaments is strong. Other issues discussed include Ukraine, Gaza and changes in international institutions. The fight against terrorism is another important common theme: we in Finland condemn terrorism in all its forms, said President Stubb.

Empathy, optimism and realism

In the morning, President Stubb participated in the Martti Ahtisaari Legacy Seminar, organized by the CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation, Bilkent University and the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his speech, the President highlighted the personality of President Ahtisaari: a combination of empathy, optimism and realism. President Ahtisaari, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, mediated around the world and brokered peace on three continents, with his greatest achievements being in Namibia, Aceh and Kosovo. Martti Ahtisaari was also a great friend of Trkiye, President Stubb said.

Later in the day, President Stubb attended the launch of a book on the history of the Tatar community in Finland. The President stressed that the Tatars are an excellent example of how a community can integrate into Finnish society while preserving its cultural characteristics.

The program also included a wreath-laying ceremony at the Atatrk Mausoleum.

The day ended with a dinner hosted by President Erdoan.

President Stubb's delegation included Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen.




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