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Everything Donald Trump said during the JD Vance vs. Tim Walz debate

Everything Donald Trump said during the JD Vance vs. Tim Walz debate
Everything Donald Trump said during the JD Vance vs. Tim Walz debate


Former President Donald Trump posted feverishly on social media as his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, took on Minnesota Governor and Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz for the first and only time in the 2024 election season.

Vance and Walz met in New York on Tuesday evening and sparred over issues that concerned voters before November, including the economy, immigration and overseas escalations. The 90-minute debate, which began at 9 p.m. ET, was hosted by CBS News and took place without a live audience.

Trump promised before the debate to respond live on his Truth Social account, a similar method he used during Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris' opening speech to the Democratic National Committee in august.

The former president wasted no time Tuesday, posting within the first few minutes of Walz answering the moderators' first question regarding the Middle East conflict that the governor has “been indoctrinated with LIES, thinking that 'he can override his own INCOMPETENCE'.

“He’s as nervous as can be!” Trump added in the message.

U.S. Senator JD Vance, Republican vice presidential candidate, speaks to supporters during a campaign event at the Northwest Michigan Fairgrounds September 25, 2024, in Traverse City, Michigan. Republican presidential nominee, former President Donald… Republican vice presidential nominee U.S. Senator JD Vance speaks to supporters during a campaign event at the Northwest Fairgrounds of Michigan, September 25, 2024, in Traverse City, Michigan. Former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, is expected to hold two campaign events in the state on Friday. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) More

Trump later said Vance was providing “a great defense of myself and the administration against false accusations made by an obviously not very bright governor”, an apparent reaction to Walz pointing out how Trump had withdrawn from a nuclear deal between Iran and other major powers in 2018.

Trump also repeated Republicans' preferred nickname for Walz in several messages early in the debate, referring to the governor as “Tampon Tim.”

“JD is steady and strong, Tampon Tim is sweating profusely, he's nervous and 'weird,'” Trump posted.

The overall tone of the debate was relatively civil, although both candidates had their microphones cut off at one point in the night while debating the legality of Haitian migrants in Springfield. Vance and Walz also engaged in heated exchanges while answering questions about abortion policies, during which Walz accused Vance of not being on the same page as his running mate on one of the main questions of this election season.

The Trump-Vance group faced questions about whether his administration would support a national ban on abortion if elected to the White House. Vance said Trump would veto such a bill, but Trump said during his debate with Harris last month that he “didn't discuss it with JD.” Vance said Tuesday he has “never supported a national ban” on abortion, although the senator said in 2022 he “would like to see abortion illegal nationwide” while he was running for office in Ohio.

Trump raged over questions about abortion in several articles published in Truth Social on Tuesday evening, including writing in all caps: “EVERYONE KNOWS I WOULD NOT SUPPORT A FEDERAL BAN ON ABORTION, IN ANY WAY CIRCUMSTANCE, AND THAT I WOULD, IN FACT, VETO, BECAUSE IT IS LIFTED. UP TO STATES TO DECIDE BASED ON THE WILL OF THEIR VOTER (THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!).”

The former president also pushed back on Walz's comment that Democrats are not “pro-abortion” but rather “pro-women,” posting on Truth Social: “Democrats are NOT pro-WOMEN, they let MEN play in WOMEN'S sports. Walz can I don't even define what a woman is! »

Trump also joined several other conservative commentators online in focusing on Walz by saying he had “become friends with the school shooters.” The governor made the comment while discussing the issue of gun violence, and it is unclear whether the governor misspoke in his response.

“I was sitting in that office with the Sandy Hook parents,” Walz said, referring to the Newtown, Conn., elementary school mass shooting in December 2012. “I became friends with the school shooters. I saw it.

“Did Tampon Tim just say he ‘became friends with the school shooters’?” Trump wrote. “He's not even qualified to be governor, let alone vice president. Walz and Kamala DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES!”

“Walz made a very big mistake on Gun Shooters,” Trump later posted. “Does anyone think he knows what he said? Will he have a press conference after the debate to apologize to the parents and others who were so horribly hurt? “

Newsweek contacted Harris' campaign for comment Tuesday evening.

Trump posted after the debate that his running mate “crushed it” against Walz, adding that the Minnesota governor “was a low-IQ disaster — just like Kamala.”

“Our country will never recover from an administration of these two,” Trump added. “Can you imagine them representing us with sharp and fierce foreign leaders? I can't!”

Updated 10/1/24, 11:41 p.m. ET: This story has been updated with additional information and context.




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