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JMM, Congress and RJD will not let Jharkhand progress: PM Modi

JMM, Congress and RJD will not let Jharkhand progress: PM Modi
JMM, Congress and RJD will not let Jharkhand progress: PM Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering during the laying of the foundation stone and inauguration of various development works, in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand on October 2, 2024.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses a gathering during the laying of the foundation stone and inauguration of various development works, in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand on October 2, 2024. | Photo credit: PTI

Ahead of the Jharkhand Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday declared that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will form the next government in the state. This was his second visit in 17 days to poll-bound Jharkhand. He had visited Jamshedpur on September 15.

He was speaking at the closing ceremony of the BJP Family at the Gandhi Maidan in Hazaribagh.

Mr Modi said if the BJP came to power in the state, it would ensure security of roti, beti and maati. (bread, daughter and earth).

The Prime Minister launched a scathing attack on the Hemant Soren-led coalition government. The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, Congress and Rashtriya Janata Dal are part of the ruling alliance.

He blamed the alliance for the alleged demographic changes in Santhal Pargana due to Bangladeshi infiltrators and criticized the parties for the dwindling tribal population. They have never allowed the tribal communities to progress, and to stay in power, these people are creating a new vote bank by sacrificing Jharkhand. How dangerous this game is, Santhal Pargana is a living proof. The tribal population of Santhal Pargana is continuously decreasing, while the population of Bangladeshi infiltrators is continuously increasing. All this is a result of the JMM and Congress' lust for power, Mr. Modi said.

He accused Mr. Soren of engaging in corruption and making money through job transfers. He said the gangs leaking the exam papers were operating under the protection of the state government. Mr. Modi further alleged that the state government was committing frauds even in the Union government's schemes and misappropriating money meant for the ration of the poor. He said the ruling alliance was the biggest obstacle to the development of Jharkhand.

Attacking the Congress, Mr Modi said the party was anti-Dalit and anti-tribal. He said Congress governments in the past had adopted policies to ensure that Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other backward classes did not progress. Even today, Congress is talking about ending reservations. He wants to give it to his special vote bank. As long as the BJP is there, no one can snatch the reservation from SC, ST, OBC. Reservation is safe only because of the BJP, Mr. Modi said. He added that Congress has never given importance to the tribal community.

All projects are in the name of sons and daughters of one family, all roads, all buildings are in the name of sons and daughters of one family, such nepotism oriented thinking has done a lot of harm in the country. , Mr. Modi said.

He alleged that the RJD leaders had openly looted water, forests and land.

On one hand, the Center is working day and night for the development of Jharkhand and on the other, the state government is trying to derail the development of Jharkhand, Mr. Modi said.

Before his arrival, several leaders, including Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, who is in charge of elections in Jharkhand and former chief minister Champai Soren, also addressed the gathering.

Before the rally, Mr. Modi inaugurated various projects worth 83,300 crores of Hazaribagh.




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