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Celebrity news: Boris Johnson discusses cause of Queen's death – Panorama

Celebrity news: Boris Johnson discusses cause of Queen's death – Panorama
Celebrity news: Boris Johnson discusses cause of Queen's death – Panorama


Boris Johnson60-year-old former British Prime Minister and storyteller apparently reveals royal secrets. In his memoirs, from where die Daily Mail published an extracthe describes how the monarch, then 93, drove him at speed in her Range Rover down a dirt road, how she made salad dressing and set out Tupperware containers at a picnic. In addition to all these trivialities, Johnson claims that the queen suffered from bone cancer. When he visited her two days before her death, she was pale and hunched over with dark bruises on her hands and wrists, likely from IVs or injections. However, mentally, she was still completely intact. With these statements, Johnson is breaking royal protocol. The palace has always been very guarded about the Queen's health and has only stated that she died of natural causes.

(Photo: Tobias Hase/dpa)

Dagmar Manzel66 years old, actress, is an anti-quota woman. She is upset that TV networks focus so much on ratings. “I've made films myself where the ratings weren't good, even though the films were great,” Manzel said. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The endless discussions about this are especially important to me at the station, when the next morning people are already thinking about what could or should be changed just because the ratings weren't so good. Manzel will soon be seen for the last time at the Franconian ARD crime scene.

(Photo: Christian Charisius/dpa)

Michael Ballack48 years old, former professional footballer, reacts to the rumors. The current media have forced me to provide the following clarification: my partner Sophia is neither the ex-girlfriend of my deceased son nor was she friends with him. Ballack shared on Instagram and posted a photo taken with his girlfriend Sophie Schneiderhan24 years old, model and entrepreneur, on a beach. We will take legal action against these lies and demand that our privacy be respected. Ballack's son Emilio died in an accident in August 2021 at the age of 18. Michael Ballack has two other sons with his ex-wife Simone.

(Photo: Hannes P. Albert/dpa)

Michel Friedmann68 years old, journalist, did not want to start a family for a long time. The son of Holocaust survivors said in an interview that he associated death and violence with it. Christian and world. I always had this primordial fear within me: if I start a family, they will die too. When I was a child, I was constantly told about dead people I didn't know: they were my aunts and uncles. They were ghosts, shadows. And the family was destruction. At 48, he became a father. He and his sons wear a Star of David around their necks and he would not advise them to remove it. There can be no Jewish life in modern times if we give up our right to express ourselves freely. He himself was threatened all his life in Germany. But I believe that society only functions if we do not give in to violence.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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