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Prashant Kishor's scathing accusation against Prime Minister Modi: “He embezzled wealth from…”

Prashant Kishor's scathing accusation against Prime Minister Modi: “He embezzled wealth from…”
Prashant Kishor's scathing accusation against Prime Minister Modi: “He embezzled wealth from…”


Political strategist-turned-politician Prashant Kishor has launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, accusing him of diverting the entire country's wealth to Gujarat after being voted to power. Kishor, who founded the Jan Suraaj Party and was instrumental in Modi's Lok Sabha campaign in 2014, made the remarks at a public meeting in Patna on Wednesday to mark the launch of the party.

Kishor claimed that Modi, after coming to national power with a promise to replicate the Gujarat model of development, had channeled his resources mainly to his home state. “People like you and I voted for Modi, listening to his speeches, seduced by the impression that he has done a lot for the development of Gujarat. Indeed, Gujarat is progressing. The wealth of the entire country seems to have been diverted to Gujarat, where factories are set up in every village, people from Bihar are flocking to the state in search of jobs,” Kishor said.

He highlighted the idea that voters receive the kind of governance they vote for, asking: “How can the people of Bihar get development if they voted for Gujarat to grow?”

Kishor also attacked Bihar's political leaders, JD(U) chief Nitish Kumar and RJD chief Lalu Prasad, both of whom have dominated the state's politics for three decades. “You voted for Lalu Ji in the name of social justice and honor of the poor. And no one can deny that the poor had the right to live with dignity under his regime, even if law and order have been strained and economic progress has been brought to a halt,” Kishor said, referring to the RJD’s 15-year rule.

Turning to Nitish Kumar, Kishor acknowledged the improvement in infrastructure during Kumar's tenure. “Similarly, you voted for Nitish hoping for better roads and better electricity. He delivered on his promises. It is another thing that his fetish for prepaid smart meters is breaking the back of electricity consumers,” a -he points out.

Kishor also criticized the current government for prioritizing short-term benefits, like free rations, over long-term development. “Similarly, today, people vote for Modi for five kg of ration. So everyone gets that, even though corruption can reduce one kg of quota… But during my many trips across Bihar, I “I learned from people that they never voted to secure a better future for their own children,” he said.

The Jan Suraaj campaign, Kishor explained, aims to change the political discourse in Bihar. “Vote for your own children, on issues of better education and better job opportunities. And you will see change,” he urged.

Earlier, Kishor introduced Manoj Bharti, a Madhubani-born former Indian Foreign Service officer, as the party's working president. Bharti will hold the post until March, when the party plans to hold internal elections.




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