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Donald Trump targets Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday

Donald Trump targets Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday


Not only was Donald Trump the only living president, current or former, not to deliver a video message for Jimmy Carter in honor of the 39th anniversary of the president's 100th birthday on Tuesday, but he made no mention of the historic event although he spoke about Carter's presidency in an attempt to criticize. Joe Biden.

On Tuesday, the Carter Center shared excerpts of messages of support from Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Joe Biden that were broadcast during Carter's birthday concert last month at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. The concert, a benefit that has so far raised $1.2 million for the Carter Center's mission to promote peace, fight disease and build hope, is broadcast Tuesday on Boston Public Radio. Georgia.

We are very grateful to Presidents Biden, Obama, Bush and Clinton for contributing messages to President Carter's 100th birthday concert. The audience was delighted! Today, on President Carter's birthday, we are excited to share excerpts from these with the world.

The Carter Center (@CarterCenter) October 1, 2024

Clinton, Bush, Obama and Biden also posted about Carter on their official social media accounts. At the time of publication, Trump hadn't even done so.

Instead, while campaigning in Waunakee, Wisconsin, Trump used Biden's administration as a way to mention Carter and not in a positive way.

Jimmy Carter is the happiest man because Jimmy Carter is considered a brilliant president by comparison, Trump said, after calling Biden the worst.

Former President Jimmy Carter celebrated his 100th birthday surrounded by family and friends in his backyard in Plains, Georgia. CBS News was there as he was taken outside, under the shade of his trees, to watch a military flyover with four fighter jets.

CBS News (@CBSNews) October 1, 2024

Carter, who left office in 1981, had the longest tenure of any former commander in chief and is the only former president to reach 100 years old. He entered a hospice facility in February 2023.

Seen Tuesday surrounded by family and friends in his backyard while being saluted by a military flyover, Carter downplayed his birthday. What is most important to him, he has made clear to his family, is being able to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.

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