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Is there Jokowi's “hand” on the list of names of the 10 KPK leaders?

Is there Jokowi's “hand” on the list of names of the 10 KPK leaders?
Is there Jokowi's “hand” on the list of names of the 10 KPK leaders?


The selection committee (Pansel) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) announced ten names of candidates for leadership (capim) and potential members of the KPK supervisory board who passed the selection interview and medical tests. The names were handed over to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at Halim Perdanakusuma Air Base, East Jakarta, Tuesday (10/01).

“The president will forward these names to the House of Representatives, God willing, within a short time,” said KPK Deputy Chairman Pansel Arief Satria, quoted on the official website of the State Secretariat (State Secretariat).

Specifically for the head of the KPK, the ten names forwarded by the panel were Agus Joko Pramono, Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih, Djoko Poerwanto, Fitroh Rohcahyanto, Ibnu Basuki Widodo, Ida Budhiati, Johanis Tanak, Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata, Poengky Indarti and Setyo Budiyanto.

Arief claimed that the panel traced the background of KPK leadership candidates and KPK Dewas members. Applicants must meet at least three main criteria, namely integrity, ability and acceptability.

“We have also invited media colleagues, CSO colleagues, academic colleagues and business people (to provide input). “This is part of our efforts to meet aspirations regarding what is needed to be able to exercise duties and functions as leaders of the KPK and cadewas,” explained Arief.

Zaenur Rohman, researcher at the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (Pukat), Faculty of Law, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), admitted that he was disappointed with the composition of the KPK leadership adopted by the selection committee . According to him, the police are still too dominant.

“But I'm not surprised. Why am I disappointed? Because I see that the results of this selection are very thoughtful interest “President Jokowi’s (interests),” Zaenur told Alinéa.idTuesday (1/10).

Candidates who “represent” law enforcement dominate.
Among the representatives of the National Police, two names were forwarded, namely Djoko Poerwanto, currently Chief of the Central Kalimantan Regional Police, and Setyo Budiyanto, currently Inspector General at the Ministry of Agriculture.

From the Attorney General's Office, there is the name of Fitroh Rohcahyanto, former KPK prosecutor. From the Supreme Court, Ibnu Basuki Widodo was voted. While serving as a judge at the Central Jakarta District Court, in October 2014, Ibnu acquitted the accused in a corruption case, Ida Bagus Mahendra Jaya Marth.

“If the KPK is dominated by civil servants, then the KPK will be controlled. The KPK could catch diseases from other law enforcement institutions. The KPK can be used to protect institutions and officials from other law enforcement agencies. The KPK therefore cannot be independent, double loyalties can arise. This has already happened in the last five years,” Zaenur said.

Zaenur is pessimistic that the composition of the KPK head that was adopted by the panel was clean and entrusted to the authorities. He guessed that the entrusted candidates would take the aptitude and aptitude test at the DPR again. As a result, it will be increasingly difficult for the KPK to be independent and even submit to power.

“I declare that the results of this selection are very thoughtful interest President Jokowi. President Jokowi takes great interest in the KPK, especially since his family is in the spotlight. “In the future, I hope people will be angry in the name of the state's goal of restoring the independence of the Corruption Eradication Committee,” Zaenur said.

Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Studies Center (SAKSI) of the Faculty of Law (FH) of Mulawarman University (Unmul), Orin Gusta Andini, believes that there are still problematic KPK leaders who were rejected by the panel. In particular, he highlighted the panel's decision to move KPK Deputy Chairman Johanis Tanak to the top 10.
“JT (Johanis) once came across an ethics case, although he was later able to escape the case that trapped him because the decision of the KPK Council was in his favor. Then, “just see how the DPR is, if the DPR is really paying attention to what has been expressed by the public and observers of corruption,” Orin told Alinéa.idTuesday (1/10).

According to Orin, the final selection phase will be a bet on the integrity of the KPK. He hopes that the House of Representatives can remove “seniors” and trusted candidates from the list of KPK leaders during the aptitude and aptitude test.

“Because there are still elderly people stuck there. Even if there are new names, who are not former commissioners, it doesn't matter, as long as there are still filings, yes, the KPK will get worse,” said Orin.




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