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Trump continues to deny climate crisis during visit to hurricane-ravaged Georgia | Donald Trump

Trump continues to deny climate crisis during visit to hurricane-ravaged Georgia | Donald Trump
Trump continues to deny climate crisis during visit to hurricane-ravaged Georgia | Donald Trump


As research reveals that deadly Hurricane Helen was greatly exacerbated by global warming, Donald Trump continues to deny the climate crisis and court donations from the industry most responsible for global warming. Environmentalists fear he will also undermine flood protection and climate policy if he wins November's presidential election.

Hours before Helene hit Florida's Big Bend region as a major Category 4 hurricane on Thursday evening, Trump baselessly claimed that nuclear warming, not the climate crisis, was the warming you need be very careful. The next day, he said the small hurricane was partly to blame for the premature departure of attendees at his rallies.

As the hurricane continued to ravage the region over the weekend, the former president dismissed global warming in a speech Saturday and the next day called the climate crisis one of the greatest scams of all time.

Hélène has now killed more than 150 people in the region.

In Wisconsin on Tuesday, Trump falsely said that as part of the new green scam, Democrats wanted to tear down every building in Manhattan and rebuild them without windows. No environmental plan called for removing windows from buildings, although the Democratic Inflation Reduction Act included incentives for replacing windows with more energy-efficient models.

A preliminary study from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, released Monday evening, found that climate change caused 50% more precipitation during the hurricane in parts of Georgia and the Carolinas.

It's obscene that communities are suffering and dying because of the reality of the climate emergency while Donald Trump denies it even exists, said Brett Hartl, policy director at the nonprofit Environmental Action Center Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund.

When Trump visited hurricane-ravaged Georgia on Monday, he said: “We are here today to express our full solidarity with the people of Georgia and all those suffering from the terrible consequences of Hurricane Helen. But he is now returning to the campaign trail to seek donations from the fossil fuel industry, which accounts for more than 75% of all global heating pollution and nearly 90% of all carbon dioxide emissions.

On Wednesday, Trump will attend two fundraisers in oil-rich Texas. First, he will host an invitation-only luncheon in the Permian Basin, the world's most productive oil field. He later reportedly hosted a cocktail party in Houston co-hosted by Jeff Hildebrand, who runs Hilcorp Oil and has been a major Trump donor since 2017.

Last week, Trump's vice presidential pick, JD Vance, also attended two fundraisers hosted by oil industry executives in Dallas and Fort Worth, before being forced to cancel two fundraisers of funds in Georgia due to the hurricane.

These events come months after Trump allegedly offered a brazen deal to oil bosses, offering to give him $1 billion for his White House re-election campaign and promising that once back in power, he would destroy dozens of environmental regulations and would prevent any new ones. triggering congressional investigations.

Plans to gut emergency management

Trump has also been criticized for his ties to Project 2025, a wide-ranging political plan from which he has tried to distance himself, but which was authored by his allies and former advisers. The plan leaves American communities with far fewer resources to rebuild after climate disasters.

If passed, the plan would end the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (Fema) federal flood insurance program, the primary source of federal flood insurance across the country, and replace it through private insurance schemes starting with the least risky areas currently identified by the program.

The manual calls for an end to Femas grants for disaster preparedness. And he calls for dismantling and privatizing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The agency should fully commercialize its forecasting operations and focus on providing data to private companies, the plan says, referring to forecasts made by the National Weather Service, the nation's primary weather forecast source that sends alerts in case of disaster like that of Hélène.

As roads, bridges and entire cities wash away, Trump and Project 2025 plan to gut Fema and prevent all agencies from addressing the climate crisis, the Center for Biological Diversity says Hartl.

Draft 2025 further calls for a review of the National Hurricane Center, a division of the National Weather Service that provides warnings, forecasts and analysis of dangerous storms.

Data collected by the center should be presented in a neutral manner, without adjustments intended to support either side in the climate debate, the draft says. But scientists have long warned that the climate crisis is closely linked to the increased intensity of hurricanes.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Heritage Foundation, the right-wing think tank that spearheaded Project 2025, said the plan did not call for eliminating NOAA, the NWS or the NHC.

Rather than abolishing FEMA, Project 2025 calls for realigning the agency's mission and focusing on DEI and climate change initiatives and restoring that of helping people before, during and after disasters, a the agency said.

But the proposal would reduce protections for flood-affected communities. And it would also catalyze a dismantling of climate policy more broadly, including efforts to reduce emissions linked to heating the planet.

Donald Trump just denied climate change for a week straight, is raising money from oil billionaires tomorrow and plans to cut disaster aid to zero with his Project 2025 agenda next year, Pete Jones said. director of rapid response for the climate-focused advocacy group. Power. As American communities are devastated by extreme weather, Trump's plan is to increase their suffering while giving $110 billion in tax breaks to big oil companies.




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