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In the time of the barbarians

In the time of the barbarians
In the time of the barbarians


Smoke billows after an Israeli Air Force airstrike on a village in southern Lebanon, seen from northern Israel, October 1. [Jim Urquhart/Reuters]

We are facing a period of rapid change globally. The planet no longer has a master, and everyone who did not realize it before now understands it. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, demonstrated this in the most concrete terms. He exploits the fact that the United States is in a pre-election period and the power vacuum that this implies by crossing all the red lines that US President Joe Biden and his Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, have allegedly set for him. Listening to their statements, we understand that they have no room for reaction. They know that if they pressure Israel by cutting off arms supplies, they could seriously damage Kamala Harris' presidential candidacy. They are trying to rebuke a leader who is clearly ignoring them through vague statements and vows of goodwill, fully aware that whatever Biden thinks of him, he will ultimately ask the US armed forces to protect Israel.

The United States' inability to control dynamics in the Middle East will have significant repercussions. It's not just Netanyahu making these observations; leaders in Beijing, Moscow, Kyiv and Ankara are also taking note. Over the next three months, everyone will test the waters and push the red lines.

We can imagine that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would make similar observations. He plays the game with gullible Americans while harboring contempt for them, believing he can do as he pleases on different fronts without suffering consequences. He is clearly furious when he sees Israel rebuilding its legend and imposing its will in the region by force. Turkish commentators suggest that he believes that if he wants to be the true protector of Muslims and sit as equals at the negotiating table, he cannot achieve this without nuclear weapons and much greater strategic power. big.

As for Europe, it appears desperately marginalized in this barbaric chaos. The European officials' statements sound like those of a book club president trying to stop a shooting at a notorious gambling den. Without strong leadership in key capitals and a common defense strategy, Europe is stumbling, ignoring the warnings of former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi and the harsh realities ahead. It once seemed like a cultural and social oasis in the center of the West; now it looks like a city thinking about how to erect wooden walls in an age of barbarians.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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