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Head of Pakistan's spy agency: who is Lt. Gen. Asim Malik?

Head of Pakistan's spy agency: who is Lt. Gen. Asim Malik?
Head of Pakistan's spy agency: who is Lt. Gen. Asim Malik?


The new lieutenant general of ISI-DG of Pakistan. Mohammed Asim Malik

Lieutenant General Muhammad Asim Malik took office on Monday September 30 as director general of Pakistan's intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Lt Gen Malik, who took over from Lt Gen Nadeem Anjum, comes to the fore at a critical time for the Pakistan Army, which is facing backlash from supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan . Security threats from terrorist organizations are also increasing, particularly in areas neighboring Afghanistan.

The 59-year-old is currently a three-star general serving at the army headquarters in Rawalpindi, PTV News said.


– PTV News (@PTVNewsOfficial) September 23, 2024Generational Armyman

Son of former Lieutenant General Ghulam Muhammad Malik, known as General General, Muhammad Asim Malik completed his bachelor's degree from the University of Balochistan. He then continued his higher education at two major defense colleges in the United States and the United Kingdom, at Fort Leavenworth and the Royal College of Defense Studies respectively. Returning to his homeland, he then followed in his father's footsteps and underwent training at the Pakistan Military Academy, receiving the Sword of Honor for achieving the best performance during his training at the Academy .

Lieutenant General Malik's military career includes service in the Balochistan Infantry Division and command of the Wazirstan Infantry Brigade. He also trained cadets at the Command and Staff College in Quetta and was chief instructor at the National Defense University (NDU) in Islamabad, where he earned a doctorate in US-Pakistan relations, making him the first ISI-DG to hold a doctorate. In October 2021, when his predecessor Lt. Gen. Nadeem was elevated to the post of ISI chief, Maj. Gen. Malik was promoted to the rank of Lt. General and appointed Adjutant General of the Army.

As the ISI chief officially reports to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the appointment of Lt. Gen. Malik was immediately confirmed by Mr. Shehbaz Sharif in consultation with the Army on Monday, a sign of the ongoing cordial relations between the civil administration and the army. the establishment that has shaped Pakistani politics since independence.

No process to choose ISI-DG

It is the army which has the final say in the appointment of the ISI-DG, the official procedure being mentioned neither in the national Constitution nor in the Pakistan Army Act, specifies the Pakistani daily Dawn. The ISI was established by decree and the powers of appointment of the ISI-DG were vested in the Prime Minister. As per convention, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) proposes three names to the Prime Minister and one candidate is chosen by consensus.

This tradition was interrupted with the appointment of Lieutenant General Anjum, which came after a three-week standoff between Mr Khan and the army, as he preferred to extend the tenure of Faiz Hameed, then DG of the ISI -DG. Despite the Army's announcement on October 6, 2021, appointing Lt Gen Anjum as the new ISI-DG and transferring Lt Gen Faiz Hameed as Corps Commander Peshawar, the PMO has not issued a notification official of the lieutenant general. Anjum's appointment, publicizing the growing feud between Mr Khan and the army.

Army repression

Currently, the Pakistani military is cracking down hard on Imran Khan and his allies, including his favorite spymaster, Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed, who is facing a court martial in connection with a 2017 housing scandal. Mr. Hameed is facing disciplinary action for violating provisions of the Army Act for allegedly orchestrating a raid on private construction company Top City in 2017 and then extorting its owner Moeez Ahmed Khan. His arrest marks the first time that a former ISI-DG has faced punitive measures from the army.

The head of the ISI, Lt.-Gen. Faiz Hameed, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and COAS General Qamar Bajwa at the ISI Secretariat, Pakistan

Besides, Lt Gen Hameed had close relations with former army chief Qamar Bajwa and ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan and was responsible for supporting the former cricketers' government. While General Bajwa sought a record third term as army chief in November 2022, his request was denied and he was replaced by General Asim Munir. Miffed, Lt. Gen. Hameed, who was also in the running for the post, opted for early retirement. Since then, his alleged links to Mr Khan through his wife Bushra Bibi have been uncovered, drawing the ire of the army.

By contrast, his current choice, the ISI-DG, has stood alongside General Munir, the army chief, opposing Mr Khan's popularity and suppressing street protests by his supporters. Moreover, Lt. Gen. Malik is not in the running for the post of army chief, which would not compete with Gen. Munir. With ties to the U.S.-British military establishment and years of service in Afghanistan's borderlands facing growing militancy, Lt. Gen. Malik is tasked with the fragile responsibility of directing Pakistan's foreign policy, which is strongly influenced by the ISI.

Published – October 02, 2024 at 12:58 IST




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