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Special counsel reveals new details about Trump's attempt to overturn 2020 election | Donald Trump

Special counsel reveals new details about Trump's attempt to overturn 2020 election | Donald Trump
Special counsel reveals new details about Trump's attempt to overturn 2020 election | Donald Trump


Donald Trump resorted to crimes in a failed attempt to cling to power after losing the 2020 election, federal prosecutors said in a newly unsealed court filing that argues the former US president did not right to immunity from prosecution.

The file was unsealed on Wednesday. It was submitted by special counsel Jack Smith's team following a Supreme Court opinion that granted broad immunity to former presidents and narrowed the scope of prosecution.

Trump's legal team has used a delaying strategy in all of the many legal cases Trump faces and has mostly been successful.

The 165-page filing is likely the last opportunity for prosecutors to detail their case against Trump before the Nov. 5 election, given that there will be no trial before Trump faces the Democratic vice president , Kamala Harris.

Prosecutors provided details, including an allegation that a White House staffer overheard Trump telling family members that it didn't matter if he won or lost the election, they still had to fight like hell .

The new filing cites previously unknown accounts offered by Trump's closest aides to paint a portrait of an increasingly desperate president who, while losing his grip on the White House, used deception to target every stage of the electoral process.

So what? The filing quotes Trump telling an aide after being alerted that his vice president, Mike Pence, was potentially in danger after a mob of violent supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.

The details don't matter, Trump said, when an adviser told him that a lawyer mounting his legal challenges wouldn't be able to prove the false allegations in court, the filing says.

The filing includes details of conversations between Trump and Pence, including a private lunch the two had on November 12, 2020, during which Pence reiterated a face-saving option for Trump, telling him: Don't concede but recognize that the process is over, according to prosecutors. .

At another private lunch a few days later, Pence urged Trump to accept the results of the election and run again in 2024.

I don't know, 2024 is so far away, Trump told him, according to the filing.

But Trump ignored Pence in the same way he ignored dozens of court rulings that unanimously rejected his and his allies' lawsuits, and ignored targeted state officials, including including those in his own party, who publicly stated that he had lost and that his specific mandate fraud allegations were false, prosecutors wrote.

Although the defendant was the incumbent president during the incriminated plots, his plan was fundamentally private, Smith's team wrote, adding: When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes in an attempt to stay in power.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to four criminal charges accusing him of conspiring to obstruct Congress's certification of the election, defrauding the United States by extracting accurate results and interfering with Americans' right to vote.

Prosecutors working with Smith disclosed their evidence to demonstrate that the remaining allegations against Trump survive the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling that former presidents have broad immunity from criminal prosecution for official actions taken as president .

Prosecutors said the case will focus on new evidence, including transcripts of witness interviews and grand jury testimony, but much of that material will not be made public until the trial.

Top Trump administration officials, including former Vice President Mike Pence and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, appeared before the grand jury during the investigation.

Prosecutors submitted the filing to court Thursday, but U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan had to approve the proposed redactions before they were made public.

Trump's lawyers objected to allowing Smith to release a broad court filing laying out their evidence, arguing it would be inappropriate to do so weeks before the election. They argued that the entire case should be dismissed based on the Supreme Court's decision.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung called the brief allegations false and unconstitutional, as well as repeated and repeated allegations that Smith and Democrats were determined to strong-arm the Justice Department in an attempt to hold on to the power.

The release of the unconstitutional and misleading J6 brief immediately after the disastrous Tim Walz debate is another clear attempt by the Harris-Biden regime to undermine American democracy and interfere in this election.

The US presidential election is running neck and neck, with Harris establishing a slight but solid lead over Trump in most national election surveys. The situation in key states is more complex, however, as close races in these key contests will decide the election.

If Trump wins the election, he will likely order the Justice Department to drop the charges.

Reuters and Associated Press contributed to this report




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