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Old campaign event clip wrongly shared as 'Indonesian president-elect picks cabinet'

Old campaign event clip wrongly shared as 'Indonesian president-elect picks cabinet'


An old video of Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto was shared in social media posts that falsely claimed it showed him vetting potential cabinet members. Although the video shows Prabowo introducing individuals he expected to serve as ministers in his administration, it was actually filmed before the 2019 presidential election which he lost to incumbent President Joko Widodo. As of October 2, Prabowo had not made any public remarks about potential ministers in his government.

“Prabowo is preparing to select names for his potential cabinet…Rocky Gerong and Mr. Gatot have been selected,” part of the text in Indonesian reads on a TikTok video posted September 13.

The video, which has been viewed over 210,000 tonnesimes, shows Prabowo speaking to a large room of supporters. He cites the names of several people, including that of a political analyst. Rocky Gerung and retired military general Gatot Nurmantyo — who join him on stage.

Rocky has been critical of both outgoing President Joko Widodo — better known as Jokowi — as well as his eldest son Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who will serve as vice-president. president of Prabowo (archived link). He expressed his desire to serve as attorney general in Prabowo's cabinet earlier this year (archived link).

Gatot is a long-time supporter of Prabowo, having supported him in the 2019 presidential election Also (archived link).

<span>Screenshot of the misleading TikTok video, captured on September 30, 2024</span>” data-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTU5OQ–/ 525 8 f9f7c0379f7af62b” / ><span><button class=

Screenshot of the misleading TikTok video, captured on September 30, 2024

The video resurfaced after Prabowo's Gerindra Party clarified that a list of potential ministers circulating in the media was not official (archived link).

Similar videos have been shared elsewhere on TikTok here, here And here where they have been viewed more than six million times.

Comments on the posts suggest that some users thought the clips showed Prabowo naming potential ministers in his government.

“It's great that Rocky is joining Prabowo's cabinet,” wrote a user.

Another said: “It's really good. I hope Mr. Prabowo can improve Indonesia so that the people can prosper like in the Suharto era. Thank you.”

But as of October 2, Prabowo had made no public statement on the potential makeup of his cabinet.

According to a video report According to, Prabowo and Gibran are expected to finalize their cabinet by October 15, a few days before their inauguration on October 20 (archived link).

2019 presidential campaign

A reverse image search on Google using keyframes from the deceptively shared video led to a clip posted to the verified YouTube channel of CNN Indonesia April 13, 2019 (archived link).

The clip is titled “Prabowo presents the “ministerial candidates”, who are they?

The part that corresponds to the deceptively shared video begins at the CNN Indonesia clip 8:32 a.m..

Below is a screenshot comparison between the misleadingly shared video (left) and the clip published by CNN Indonesia (right):

<span>Screenshot comparison between the misleadingly shared video (left) and the clip published by CNN Indonesia (right)</span>” data-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTQ1OQ–/ f97d 3 3e62d1fa830bba” / ><span><button class=

Screenshot comparison between the misleadingly shared video (left) and the clip published by CNN Indonesia (right)

“Great Prabowo-Sandi campaign,” the CNN Indonesia clip reads, referring to Sandiaga Uno, who was Prabowo's running mate in his term. Failed 2019 presidential campaign (archived link).

The description of the YouTube video states that it shows a campaign event in East Java on April 12, 2019.

It adds: “Presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto has introduced people who would assist him in government if he were to win the 2019 elections. Names such as former Indonesian military general (retired) Gatot Nurmantyo and Rocky Gerung were on the list.

The event was also covered by other local media Détik News April 12, 2019 (archived link).

AFP has already denied misinformation about the latest Indonesian presidential election here, here And here.




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