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Harris and Trump tested by Mideast, Helen and port strikes

Harris and Trump tested by Mideast, Helen and port strikes


WASHINGTON (AP) Three new lawsuits — a devastating hurricane, a conflict spreading across the Middle East and a dockworkers' strike that threatens the U.S. economy — loom in the final weeks of the presidential campaign and could help shape public mood as voters choose between Democrat Kamala. Harris and Republican Donald Trump.

How events unfold and how candidates respond could be decisive as they try to win votes in battleground states.

Sitting President Joe Biden is still the steward of the U.S. economy and foreign policy during this tumultuous time and may well bear ultimate responsibility for how they play out. But how Harris and Trump approach these three disparate issues could have a huge impact on how Americans view their two choices in November.

Unfortunately, there are going to be events like this, and that's where you see the leadership of a president, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Tuesday. . I think this should send a message to Americans: This is important. It matters who sits behind the Resolute desk.

Harris, with Biden's help, is trying to maintain steady calm as a series of difficult issues arise at once.

On Tuesday, she and Biden alternated between leading recovery and relief operations following Hurricane Helen and meeting with aides in the White House Situation Room to watch as the United States helped Israel defend itself against a massive attack by Iran in retaliation for the assassination of Iran's leaders supported by Tehran. Lebanese Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, they remained in close contact with economic advisers as dockworkers headed to the picket line Tuesday, a strike stretching from ports from Maine to Texas that threatens to disrupt supply chains and to cause shortages and higher prices if it continues for more than a year. a few weeks.

Trump, for his part, lashed out at Harris as in over his head, while claiming that this sort of problem would never have happened under her watch.

We talked about World War III and I don't want to make any predictions, Trump said at a campaign event in Wisconsin. The whole world is laughing at us. This is why Israel was attacked recently. Because they no longer respect our country.

Yet voters cast Trump aside four years ago, largely because of how they viewed his handling of the swirling economic, social and public health challenges that emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden, in comments to reporters before meeting with aides Tuesday to discuss the ongoing response to the hurricane, appeared to acknowledge growing frustration with the federal response to the massive storm.

I have been in frequent contact with governors and other leaders in affected areas, and we need to jump-start this recovery process, Biden said. He traveled to the Carolinas on Wednesday to get a closer look at the devastation caused by the hurricane. He is also expected to visit hurricane-affected areas in Georgia and Florida later this week. People are scared to death. People wonder if they're going to make it.

Harris, meanwhile, traveled to Georgia on Wednesday and North Carolina in the coming days to do the same.

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Tuesday's vice presidential debate provided insight into how both campaigns were responding to new developments to reinforce their own messages and sharpen their attacks on their rivals. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz promised stable leadership under Harris, while Ohio Senator JD Vance promised a return to peace by force if Trump returned to the White House.

Biden has stayed off the campaign trail since announcing in July that he was ending his re-election efforts amid falling public approval ratings.

His conspicuous absence underscores that Democrats view him more as a liability than an asset in defending Harris, said Christopher Borick, director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion in Pennsylvania.

But how Biden handles the last three emergencies could have a big impact on how undecided voters view Harris in these final days.

President Biden can't help Kamala Harris on the spot, Borick said. But in a campaign where every effort is being made in a few states to attract this undecided voter, how he handles these crises over the coming weeks could have an impact.

The Harris campaign understands the risks it faces in the simultaneous convergence of multiple crises, particularly given their varied and unpredictable nature. A prolonged strike, a failed disaster response or a further expansion of the Middle East conflict could raise doubts about Biden's leadership and, by extension, that of his second-in-command.

At the same time, Harris campaign aides say the perilous moment presents an opportunity to demonstrate to voters what's at stake for those who hold this office and the seriousness with which they approach it, according to campaign officials who spoke expressed on condition of anonymity to discuss internal thinking. .

The former president, in a speech in Waunakee, Wis., and in social media posts Tuesday, offered a mix of prayer and concern for those affected by Helen, jabs at Harris for strike dock workers and an aside on the casting of Stanley Kubricks' film. Full metal jacket.

The situation should never have come to this and, if I had been president, it would not have,” Trump said in a statement about the strike.

Harris aides insisted that the vice president make brief remarks about the Iranian attack Tuesday between taping interviews for her campaign, in an effort to portray her as ready to take command.

End-of-term tumult has been commonplace in American presidential politics, sometimes in the form of scandals and other times with an outgoing president hoping to demonstrate that he or his preferred successor would show toughness at an uncertain time.

George W. Bush pushed a bailout package through Congress to stabilize a struggling financial system by creating the Troubled Asset Relief Program, amid fears the economy was on the brink of collapse. General economic conditions did not help Republican John McCain in the race he lost to Barack Obama.

Jimmy Carter's 1980 re-election campaign was crippled by the Iran hostage crisis. Fifty-two hostages were released on January 20, 1981, shortly after the inauguration of his successor, Ronald Reagan.

Lyndon Johnson announced a halt to bombing in North Vietnam days before the 1968 election, a move he hoped would bring the conflict toward a peaceful settlement. But the South Vietnamese indicated they would not negotiate, and Johnson's vice president, Hubert Humphrey, narrowly lost to Republican Richard Nixon.

Efforts by incumbents to help themselves or their party's candidate with October surprises go back a long way, said Edward Frantz, a University of Indianapolis historian. In today's climate, I don't know how many voters can be won over by a candidate this late in the game trying to show competence.


Beaumont reported from Des Moines, Iowa. AP writer Josh Boak contributed to this report.




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