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Boris Johnson reveals cause of Queen Elizabeth's death that Royals kept secret

Boris Johnson reveals cause of Queen Elizabeth's death that Royals kept secret
Boris Johnson reveals cause of Queen Elizabeth's death that Royals kept secret


IIn his upcoming memoir Unleashed, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims that Queen Elizabeth II suffered from bone cancer in the year before his death.

This revelation marks a significant breach of royal protocol, which traditionally keeps private matters concerning the royal family confidential. Queen Elizabeth died in September 2022 at the age of 96, without any prior public disclosure of her health problems.


The extract, published in Johnson The Daily Mail column provides new details about the queen's final days and offers a rare insight into her health problems.

Informing Boris Johnson of his illness broke with tradition

Until now, no senior British official or member of the royal family had disclosed precise details about the state of health of the latter. Death of Queen Elizabeth.

His death certificate listed “old age” as the official cause of death. However, Johnson claims he knew for over a year that the queen was fight against bone cancer.

He described her as looking fragile with bruises on her hands, likely from medical treatment, while emphasizing her mental acuity. Remembering his last meeting with her, Johnson I remembered his manners.

“She always had that big white smile in her sudden beauty that lifted your spirits,” Johnson wrote.

Despite these new revelations, Buckingham Palace has remained silent, refusing to comment. Johnson's claims. The palace traditionally avoids commenting on personal matters concerning the royal family, particularly those revealed in memoirs or in the media.

While Johnson's comments deviate from the usual discretion observed by British leaders regarding private royal conversations, they are not without precedent. In 2014, former Prime Minister David Cameron apologized after disclosing details of a conversation with the Queen. Additionally, other former leaders like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown shared their thoughts on their interactions with Queen Elizabeth in their own memories.

In a more recent change, King Charles III, successor to Queen Elizabethbroke with royal custom earlier this year by publicly revealing her own cancer treatment. His daughter-in-law, Catherine, Princess of Wales, also revealed her cancer diagnosis, highlighting a growing openness about health issues within the royal family.




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