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Turkey's far-right president targets mother of former Gray Wolves leader and others for comments on son's murder

Turkey's far-right president targets mother of former Gray Wolves leader and others for comments on son's murder
Turkey's far-right president targets mother of former Gray Wolves leader and others for comments on son's murder


Devlet Baheli, president of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Devlet Baheli, chairman of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), targeted the mother of former Gray Wolves leader Sinan Ate over her comments accusing her of having links to the assassination of her son in 2022, while attacking an opposition leader and certain journalists who question the role of his party in the assassination, Turkish minute reported.

Ate was fatally shot in Ankara on December 30, 2022. The killing sparked widespread controversy due to his role as the former leader of the ultranationalist Gray Wolves, a paramilitary branch of the MHP, allied with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan.

The ongoing trial involves 22 defendants, including main suspects Eray Zyac, Vedat Balkaya and Suat Kurt, who are charged with premeditated murder and face life imprisonment. Other defendants, including former Gray Wolves officials, face charges ranging from incitement to murder to illegal weapons possession.

The case was marked by accusations of political interference by MHP figures accused of orchestrating the murder.

Saniye Ate, Sinan Ate's mother, suggested, while speaking to reporters after Monday's hearing in the ongoing murder trial, that Baheli had a connection to the assassination through four MHP politicians.

Saniye Ate, Sinan Ate

The names I designate [for responsibility in the murder] are clear: zzet Ulvi Ynter, Semih Yaln, Ahmet Yiit Yldrm, Olcay Klavuz. I don't know what their problem was. They should ask Devlet Baheli. They can't even have a cup of tea without consulting him, the mother said.

Ynter has been an MHP deputy for four terms, while Yaln is the deputy leader of the MHP. Klavuz was an MHP MP at the time of the murder and Yldrm is the current leader of the Gray Wolves.

Everyone must know their limits and refrain from crossing boundaries; we will not tolerate any hooting owls at our doorstep and we will not hesitate to tear off the wings of any vultures that flap their wings, the MHP leader warned.

Referring to Ates' comments during her party's group meeting on Tuesday, Baheli said it was improper for a woman of her age to speak into any microphone that comes her way, accusing her of being a pawn in a game of political provocation.

Baheli also threatened Zgr Zel, head of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), and four journalists speaking about the murder trial during a program on the pro-opposition Halk TV channel for their allegations. that the real masterminds behind the assassination are not punished. .

zel told reporters after Monday's hearing that justice would not be served if the masterminds of the murder were not held accountable, with an implicit reference to the two MHP leaders.

The MHP leader said on Tuesday, speaking to zel, that his allegations were just as rotten as your personality.

Baheli also warned CHP and Halk TV journalists to be careful, saying he would not allow them to question the MHP about the assassination.

Aye Ate, the murdered leader's widow, sharply criticized the investigation, accusing MHP leaders of obstructing justice. She was the subject of legal proceedings, including a criminal complaint filed by MHP officials after accusing them of being involved in the assassination of her husband.

Lawyers for the Ate family also criticized the indictment for failing to address the alleged masterminds or motive behind the killing, instead focusing on those directly involved in carrying out the crime.

Lawyers' criticism of the indictment highlights a broader charge of government interference and a possible cover-up, suggesting the indictment was intentionally stripped of details to protect certain figures policies.

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