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Turkish policy adopts united front amid Israeli ring of fire

Turkish policy adopts united front amid Israeli ring of fire
Turkish policy adopts united front amid Israeli ring of fire


Harsh words were replaced by pleasant exchanges and politicians who would not normally stand side by side shook hands. A reception at Parliament on Tuesday to mark the new session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) marked a new phase of normalization in Turkish politics following the March 31 municipal elections. But it has more to do with the show of unity called for by President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, warning that Trkiye could be Israel's next target amid escalating conflict in the region.

We are entering a new era. If we want peace in the world, we must also maintain peace in our country, said Devlet Baheli, head of government allied to the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), quoted by Turkish media. Shortly before his speech, Baheli shook hands with a leader and figures from the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), a staunch opponent of the MHP, as lawmakers left for the reception after the reopening of Parliament. Likewise, Baheli has not had kind words for the DEM party in the past, even calling for its closure due to its ties to the PKK terrorist group. Tuncer Bakrhan, co-chair of the DEM party, whose hand Baheli shook first, told reporters that this was something that was normal in Parliament. People were apparently surprised because they had never seen it before, as there was no reason for dialogue in Parliament, he said.

Indeed, Parliament ended a brief return from summer recess last month with a fight between lawmakers.

Baheli, who castigated the leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) in a speech a few hours before the reception, had nothing but nice words to say to him when the two men met at reception. I guess we're not offended? » a beaming Baheli told CHP Chairman zgr zel as they shook hands. Sometimes we say things need to be said in a political context, he said. zel said no. What matters is that we stand up for what suits us. We must stick to mutual respect and love, he told Baheli. zel was one of the key players in climate change in Turkish politics, where party leaders often trade barbs in their weekly speeches and rarely find common ground on domestic or international issues. zel and President Erdoan have met at least twice and have been together at several events since the March elections, a rarity in the country's political landscape.

Earlier on Tuesday, President Erdoan warned that Israel would eventually set its sights on Trkiye as it widens the conflict that began in Gaza. This is something that needs to be treated seriously, Zel told reporters when asked about his comments on Erdoan's remarks. Parliament should hold a closed session to discuss this threat, zel said. As the politicians spoke to reporters, Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Iran, and Turkish armed forces generals attending the reception at Parliament rushed and left.

Here in Trkiye, eighty-five million people should keep our domestic front strengthened against attempts at conflict, Erdoan said during the new session of Parliament on Tuesday.

We must find areas of compromise and not conflict in the face of Israeli aggression. As long as Israel threatens the region, Trkiye will remain constructive, reconciliatory and united for the security of our nation and the region's people, Erdoan said.

The People's Alliance, led by Erdoans' Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the MHP, has rarely found a common position with the opposition, particularly the CHP, on a wide range of issues. But the Palestinian-Israeli conflict united them and others. This unity was evident when Parliament passed a motion condemning Israel's Rafah offensive in May and again when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addressed Parliament in August, where he drew cross-party praise. .

The Sabah Daily News Bulletin

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