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Imran tries to 'provoke a clash' between Punjab and KP: Nawaz – Pakistan

Imran tries to 'provoke a clash' between Punjab and KP: Nawaz – Pakistan
Imran tries to 'provoke a clash' between Punjab and KP: Nawaz – Pakistan


LAHORE: Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday alleged that PTI chief Imran Khan, who is lodged in Adiala jail, wanted to provoke a clash between the people of PML-N-led Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa led by the PTI.

Speaking at a ceremony in Lahore over the provincial government's subsidized housing project, the PML-N president used an analogy with Central Asian invaders to make his point, but he did not did not name the PTI chief.

According to the elder Sharif, the PTI founder allegedly behaved like the Central Asian raiders who attacked Punjab in ancient times.

You want to provoke a clash between KP and Punjab. You are behaving like the invaders from Central Asia who attacked Punjab in ancient times. Instead of instigating KP people to invade Punjab, you should focus on serving them, the PML-N leader said, adding that those who followed Khan blindly like sheep and goats should ask him what is arrived at the five million houses he promised during his mandate. mandate.

He also criticized PTI's poor governance in KP, saying: His (Khan) performance was zero, and despite his party's rule in KP. [for the third time]it did not meet the expectations of the population. Their only concern is protests and street riots.

Referring to Imran Khan's statements during the 2014 sit-in, Sharif recalls: He said he would drag me with a noose around my neck. What arrogance! Learn humility and fear God. You reap what you sow.

The diatribe targeting the PTI leader came almost a month after the PML-N president launched a proposal aimed at widespread dialogue to get the country out of the crisis. However, his proposal did not have much success as the government intensified the crackdown against the PTI after holding a public rally in Sangjani, Islamabad. Following the intensification of the crackdown, KP Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur took a tough stance, saying the revolution had begun and they would respond to police bullets with bullets.

Eliminate power

The elder Sharif once again denounced the judges who ousted him from power in the 2017 Panama Papers affair.

Five judges dismissed the prime minister of 250 million people because he had not accepted a salary of 10,000 dirhams for his son. What grave injustice! I still have a leaked audio of Saqib Nisars in which he says: We must put Nawaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz in jail and bring Imran Khan to power. And what did he accomplish? Nothing. I was working; the country was progressing, so why did you have to deport me and what did you achieve?

Recalling his meeting with Imran Khan in 2014, Sharif said: I went to Banigala and had an hour-long meeting with him. He agreed not to launch any agitation against my government, but then went to London. When he returned, he started the sit-in. What did these sit-ins achieve?

Nawaz Sharif also expressed his disappointment with the establishment, saying that despite his good work, he had not been treated fairly. He questioned why he was removed from office three times without being allowed to complete his term.

Maryam children Imran

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, who accompanied her father at the ceremony, said: “We are working hard here, but some people are busy creating chaos. Did the person sitting in Adiala jail (Imran Khan) ever say that people of KP need better facilities?

Was there ever a message from the prison saying, “Give them health cards, no, that's always been the case, set things on fire.” Political activity may be permitted, but terrorism is not.

Indirectly addressing PTI workers in KP, the CM said: If you are coming for healthcare, employment or education, Punjab's doors are open for you. But if you create chaos, that's something I won't accept.

Published in Dawn, October 3, 2024




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