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Turkey captures two former judiciary in ongoing crackdown on Glen movement

Turkey captures two former judiciary in ongoing crackdown on Glen movement
Turkey captures two former judiciary in ongoing crackdown on Glen movement


In the most recent turn of events in Turkey's ongoing crackdown on the Glen sectarian movement, authorities have apprehended a former judge and a former prosecutor who were wanted over their alleged links to the movement, news agencies reported. private press DHA and IHA. .

The Glen movement, inspired by Muslim cleric Fethullah Glen, is accused by the Turkish government and President Recep Tayyip Erdoan of orchestrating a failed coup on July 15, 2016 and is labeled a terrorist organization, although the movement denies any involvement in the attempted coup or any other involvement. terrorist activity.

Former judge Mustafa Karatay, who was hiding in the Yenimahalle district of Ankara, was found thanks to information from a former neighbor after evading arrest for eight years.

He was captured on Wednesday in a joint operation carried out by the National Intelligence Organization (MT) and Ankara police. Agents seized various digital devices during the operation, including a laptop and a cellphone, which Karatay allegedly used to maintain contact with other members of the movement via encrypted messaging apps.

Karatay, once a prominent judge, played a crucial role in the trial of former generals and military officers following a series of investigations launched in 2008 into an alleged network, known as Ergenekon, of coup leaders ultranationalists within the army. Although then-Prime Minister Erdoan supported the investigations, he accused Glen's alleged supporters within the police and judiciary of orchestrating the investigations after a 2013 corruption investigation that involved several senior government officials, including Erdoan.

Karatay was removed from office after the 2016 coup attempt and was the subject of an arrest warrant for membership in an armed terrorist organization.

In another case, former Bursa chief prosecutor Namk Ylmaz, who was dismissed following the 2016 coup attempt and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison in 2019 for his involvement in the movement, was arrested Tuesday in Negl. district and put in prison.

His arrest sparked criticism on social media after images showed him handcuffed behind his back.

The New York prosecutor (57 years old) was arrested and handcuffed from behind. He will also be awarded damages by the ECtHR. [European Court of Human Rights] in the future. And the harm you did to Turkey will never be forgotten, journalist Sevin Zarslan said on X, addressing Erdoan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) government.

According to data revealed by Turkish Justice Minister Ylmaz Tun, in July, a total of 705,172 people were investigated for terrorism or coup-related charges, as part of the AKP government's continued repression against supporters of the Glen movement. Tun said 13,251 people in prison are on remand or convicted of terrorism in Glen-related trials.

Tens of thousands of people arrested during the post-coup crackdown and convicted of terrorism have been released from prison over the years after serving their sentences.

Regarding the judges and prosecutors who were dismissed from their positions due to their alleged affiliation with the Glen movement, the minister said that 4,006 prosecutors and judges were dismissed from their positions due to their alleged links to Glen since the attempted coup.

Following the failed coup, the Turkish government declared a state of emergency and carried out a massive purge of state institutions under the pretext of fighting the coup. More than 130,000 civil servants as well as 24,706 members of the armed forces have been summarily dismissed from their posts for alleged membership or relations with terrorist organizations by emergency decree-laws subject to no judicial or parliamentary oversight.

Investigations and prosecutions continue unabated despite multiple ECtHR rulings in favor of Glen's supporters who were remanded in custody or convicted of terrorism following the attempted coup.

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