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Trump averages more than 24 posts on Truth Social per day, and he was even busier during the vice presidential debate.

Trump averages more than 24 posts on Truth Social per day, and he was even busier during the vice presidential debate.
Trump averages more than 24 posts on Truth Social per day, and he was even busier during the vice presidential debate.


ANALYSIS Former President Donald Trump posted 42 quick messages to Truth Social during the roughly 90-minute vice presidential debate Tuesday, revealing his immediate reactions to what was likely the last national ticket debate before Election Day .

Trump has often posted in all caps praising Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, and calling out Gov. Tim Walz for his mistakes.

JD is doing great – A different level of intelligence than Tampon Tim!, Trump said in a detailed article from the debate.

Trump's social media footprint has given the public a glimpse into his innermost thoughts since launching his first Republican presidential campaign in June 2015.

Today, Truth Social has become his most used platform, where the former president denounces his enemies, makes major campaign announcements (think, no new debate with Vice President Kamala Harris) and promotes his businesses.

Trump averaged more than 24 posts per day on Truth Social in 2024 through October 1. That's almost 173 posts per week on average, for a total of 8,989 posts so far this year (including deleted posts) on the social media platform, according to data from Roll Call (See methodological note.)

Scroll further down the Trumps Truth Social feed and you'll see an ad for gold and diamond-encrusted Trump watches, a post calling out his hatred of Taylor Swift, and inappropriate sexual remarks about Vice President Harris.

The former president's social media platform was created in February 2022 after he was suspended from Twitter due to his tweets about January 6, 2021 and the insurrection at the Capitol.

Trump's most active month on Truth Social was January 2024, with 1,364 posts. It was also the month a New York jury ordered Trump to pay millions in damages to E. Jean Carroll for defamatory statements Trump made against her after she accused him of assault. sexual. The Iowa caucuses were also held in January.

Its second most active month was in August 2024, with 1,153 posts, followed by August 2023 with 1,109 posts. August last year marked the month Trump turned himself in after being accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia. August 2023 also marked Trump's brief return to X, formerly Twitter, with a post featuring his photo.

Trump's busiest day on Truth Social was January 4, 2024, with 120 posts ranging from comments on E. Jean Carroll to links to right-wing news. Its second busiest day came on May 26, 2024, with 104 truths.

Trump has posted more than 23,000 times on Truth Social since his first post on the platform on Valentine's Day 2022.

Nearly half of Trump's truth messages contain photos or videos and almost 16% contain only photos or videos. Memes and graphics created by anonymous accounts with names like @catturd2 also regularly make up the Trumps feed.

Most mentioned accounts on the Trumps feed

Trump talks a lot about himself, so it's no surprise that his most mentioned account (including mentions and reposts) is his own @realDonaldTrump, with over 2,250 mentions.

Since creating his Truth Social account, his second most mentioned account is @GodandCountryy, with 260 mentions. It's an account with over 98,000 followers with a bio that says American Patriot. Fight for us, the people. Truth by President Donald Trump. Scrolling through the accounts' feed, it appears to be made up of Trump-centric images and memes as well as reposts from right-wing accounts on the platform. Trump has only reposted this account once this year.

In 2024, after him, Real Americas Voice, Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), NewsMax, Rumble, and OAN make up his most mentioned usernames on his feed. These are all right-wing news sites.

Trump has 7.82 million followers on Truth Social, compared to 91.2 million followers on his X account. He returned to X again in August this year when owner Elon Musk hosted an X Spaces chat with the candidate republican. However, Truth Social remains his dominant means of communicating what he thinks online.

While the former president's travel and appearances are becoming more restricted after two assassination attempts, Trump's presence on Truth Social is conversely unlimited. The platform is a place to take a closer look at the candidate's priorities each day as he attempts to return to the White House.

You can see all the data we used for the analysis of Trumps Truth Social numbers in this spreadsheet.

Roll Call will soon have Trump's social media archives from Twitter and Truth Social online.

Methodology Note: Roll Call automatically monitors Trumps Truth's social and Twitter accounts and checks Internet archives for numbers of its social media posts, including deleted posts.

Alex Angle is a presidential campaign researcher on Roll Call




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