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Cong represents corruption, casteism and nepotism: PM Modi to Haryana voters | Haryana Election News

Cong represents corruption, casteism and nepotism: PM Modi to Haryana voters | Haryana Election News
Cong represents corruption, casteism and nepotism: PM Modi to Haryana voters | Haryana Election News


Modi, Narendra Modi

People know the party can never provide a stable government, he added. | File photo: PTI

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said the Congress stood for “ensuring corruption, casteism, communalism and nepotism”, as he urged the people of Haryana to vote for the ruling BJP for a third consecutive term.

In a message on State will never accept.

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“Congress is a union of tinkerers and sons-in-law,” he said, apparently referring to the controversial land deals involving Congress leader Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law, Robert Vadra, when the party was in power in 2004- 2014 with Bhupinder. Singh Hooda as Chief Minister.

The main objective of father-son politics is only self-interest, he said, clearly targeting Hooda and his MP son Deepender Singh Hooda. Modi also claimed that Congress leaders were involved in a factional fight.

People know the party can never provide a stable government, he added.

“The people of Haryana also feel hurt as the entire state is insulted at the behest of two families sitting in Delhi and Haryana,” Modi asserted.

People are witnessing the failure of Congress governments in states like Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka. Congress policies are destroying people and that is why they don't want the party in Haryana at all, he said.

Congress leaders, Modi said, have exposed their intentions by coming out in favor of ending reservations when Dalits and backward classes are already angry with the party for its failure to prevent caste violence.

The people decided to punish the party once again. During its 10 years of rule in Haryana, the BJP worked tirelessly to improve the lives of people and prioritized the welfare of every section of society, be it farmers, young people, women, villages or towns, he said.

“We have taken Haryana out of the era of scams and riots seen under Congress governments,” he said. One voice that echoes across Haryana is “bhadosa dil se, Bhajpa phir se” (BJP once again).

The Prime Minister urged people to vote for the BJP, saying it is very important that they elect a government that strengthens India at a time when the whole world is looking at the country with hope and expectations.

Congress can never make the country stronger, he said.

After the Congress managed to tie the BJP in the Lok Sabha polls with both parties winning five seats each, it hopes to unseat the ruling party in the state after 10 years.

The BJP has waged an intense campaign to try to retain power in the northern state.

(Only the title and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

First publication: October 3, 2024 | 6:30 p.m. EAST




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