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PM Modi writes letter to Neeraj Chopra's mother, says taste of choorma cooked by her made him 'emotional'

PM Modi writes letter to Neeraj Chopra's mother, says taste of choorma cooked by her made him 'emotional'
PM Modi writes letter to Neeraj Chopra's mother, says taste of choorma cooked by her made him 'emotional'


Prime Minister Modi had asked two-time Olympic medalist Neeraj to bring him homemade 'choorma', a delicacy popular in Haryana and Rajasthan, earlier this year in January. Neeraj's mother Saroj then made it a point to prepare the dish and send it to the Prime Minister via her son.
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote a letter to javelin star Neeraj Chopra's mother thanking her for cooking him a delicious 'choorma' and adding that he was “moved” after eating it.

Prime Minister Modi had asked two-time Olympic medalist Neeraj to bring him homemade 'choorma', a delicacy popular in Haryana and Rajasthan, earlier this year in January.

Neeraj's mother Saroj then made it a point to prepare the dish and send it to the Prime Minister via her son, who met Modi on Tuesday during the Jamaican Prime Minister's visit to India.

PM Modi couldn't resist writing a letter to Neeraj's mother after tasting the dish.

“Respected Saroja Devi ji, greetings! I hope you are healthy, prosperous and joyful. Yesterday, during the meal organized on the occasion of the Jamaican Prime Minister's visit to India, I had the opportunity to meet Brother Neeraj. He shared his happiness amidst discussions, and I was filled with joy when he offered me some homemade Choorma prepared by you,” Modi wrote in his letter.

“After tasting it today, I couldn’t help but write you this letter. Brother Neeraj often tells me about it, but today after eating it, I became very emotional. Your endless affection and your brother Neeraj's sincere gesture through this gift reminded me of my own mother. A mother is the embodiment of power, tenderness and devotion. It is a divine coincidence that this offering reached me just a day before the festival of Navratri. These 9 days of Navratri are dedicated to worshiping the Goddess in her different forms. In a way, this Choorma is like a divine blessing from a mother figure before the festival begins,” he added.

“Just like the food you prepare gives energy to brother Neeraj and helps him win medals for the country, this Choorma will provide me with the energy and strength to serve the nation for these nine days. On this auspicious occasion of Navratri, I express my gratitude and bow to the maternal strength of the entire nation. With your blessings, I will continue to work tirelessly to implement the resolutions for a prosperous and powerful India. Many thanks to you! “, Modi added in his letter.

Neeraj had only recently returned home after his 2024 season ended with a second-place finish at the Diamond League final in Brussels last month. The javelin star's season has been highlighted by a string of second-place finishes, including silver at the Paris Olympics in August.

The javelin star had also suffered from a groin injury throughout the season and later revealed he suffered a broken hand during the Diamond League final.




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