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BBC cancels Boris Johnson interview after Laura Kuenssberg's 'embarrassing mistake' | Political news

BBC cancels Boris Johnson interview after Laura Kuenssberg's 'embarrassing mistake' | Political news
BBC cancels Boris Johnson interview after Laura Kuenssberg's 'embarrassing mistake' | Political news


The BBC has canceled an interview with Boris Johnson after Laura Kuenssberg accidentally sent her briefing notes to the former prime minister.

Kuenssberg, who hosts the channel's Sunday politics show, said “there's no point pretending this is anything other than embarrassing and disappointing.”

Revealing the mistake about X, she said she was preparing for an interview Mr Johnson Thursday and “by mistake, I sent him our briefing notes in a message to my team.”

The interview, which was due to be broadcast on BBC One on Thursday from 7.30pm, will be replaced by an episode of Eastenders, according to the PA news agency, with Garden Rescue airing at the same time on Friday instead of a repeat.

“That obviously means it’s not appropriate for the interview to take place,” Kuenssberg said.

The former BBC political editor said it was “frustrating” and there were “lots of important questions to ask”.

“But red faces aside, honesty is the best policy,” she added.

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Laura Kuenssberg (right), seen here with actress Kate Winslet last month. Photo: BBC
Laura Kuenssberg (right) with actress Kate Winslet last month. Photo: BBC

Mr Johnson's interview had been heavily promoted by the BBC over the past fortnight.

This would be the first interview given by the former Prime Minister as part of a media tour to publicize his new book Unleashed, which will be released on October 10.

The BBC press team said sharing notes with Mr Johnson made an interview with him “untenable”.

A spokesperson added: “In these circumstances, the BBC and Mr Johnson’s team agreed that this was the best way forward.”

Mr Johnson's publishers said the book “will provide must-read cultural and political coverage that will get the nation talking”.

Photo: PA
Photo: PA

Sky News will broadcast an interview with Mr Johnson, conducted by the presenter Wilfred Givrenext week.

Extracts from the book have already appeared in print, with Mr Johnson saying he is no longer sure whether the lockdowns he imposed played a decisive role in defeating COVID.

He also stated that he considered authorizing a search of a warehouse in the Netherlands to get COVID vaccines back, admitting the plan was “crazy.”

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The Duke of Sussex (left) with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as they attend the UK-Africa Investment Summit at the Intercontinental Hotel, London in 2020
Boris Johnson said he was asked to give the Duke of Sussex a “manly pep talk” to persuade him to stay in the UK.

The former Tory leader accused Rishi Sunak of forcing the end of Mr Johnson's political career by assassinating him – like Brutus killing Julius Caesar.

Mr Johnson said he previously considered Mr Sunak a “friend and partner”.

In the extracts, Mr Johnson also claimed that Buckingham Palace asked him to persuade the Duke of Sussex not to leave the UK and agreed to give him a “manly pep talk”.




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