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Special prosecutor releases new details in Trump case

Special prosecutor releases new details in Trump case
Special prosecutor releases new details in Trump case


The federal judge overseeing the prosecution of Donald Trump for his efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat released more than 100 pages of allegations in the case on Wednesday, part of a legal battle over whether the presidency immunizes the former president from sanctions. costs.

The filing, which represents the largest batch of public information about Trump's alleged crimes shared by federal prosecutors since last year's indictment, contains new details about Trump's efforts to disrupt the count votes in the states he lost and organize the presentation of false lists of voters. in Congress, fomenting the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, then profiting from the chaos that followed.

It's the most comprehensive argument ever made by special counsel John L. Jack Smith to prosecute Trump for trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat, made as part of Smith's effort to have the case survives a July Supreme Court ruling that presidents are immune for actions taken in their official capacity.

The judge in the case, Tanya S. Chutkan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, is currently gathering information from both sides about which allegations prosecutors can pursue, which could be barred and how to deal with other outstanding issues in the trial. case.

Smith's filing claimed that Trump engaged in a months-long effort as a private citizen and candidate for office, not as president, when he attempted to overturn the election. Although the defendant was the incumbent president at the time of the incriminated plots, his plan was fundamentally private, the filing says.

It also exposes Trump's public efforts such as his tweets and speech at the Ellipse on January 6, 2021, as well as behind-the-scenes calls with officials to organize fake voter lists.

When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in power. With private accomplices, the defendant launched a series of increasingly desperate plans to overturn the legitimate election results in seven states that he had lost, the filing says.

Smith initially filed the brief last week, and Chutkan on Wednesday released a redacted version of the filing that concealed the identities of dozens of witnesses in the case, including private attorneys, campaign and party officials as well as state legislators.

Many of the allegations in the filing have been detailed elsewhere, such as the report of the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol. But Wednesday's filing includes new details about Trump's months-long effort targeting seven states he lost.

The filing outlines efforts by Trump and his co-conspirators, which began with disruptions in vote counting before the election was certified. In one incident described in the filing, a campaign staffer encouraged a riot to start at a tabulation center in Detroit.

The filing presents more evidence than before about Trump's efforts to arrange the presentation of false slates of electors to Congress on January 6, 2021. This includes quotes from conversations Trump had with Vice President Mike Pence, as well as than with the chair of the Republican National Committee. Ronna McDaniel is seeking their support for this effort.

At one point, McDaniel said she would not support Trump's effort to overturn the vote in Michigan based on a report on the state's vote count, the filing says, because she was told said the report was crazy.

The filing also creates new battle lines in this case, as Smith argued that Trump's efforts to enlist Pence to help overturn the Jan. 6 election do not fall under official act immunity.

The executive branch has no authority or function to choose the next president, the filing said.

The filing also included information about Trump's conduct during the Capitol attack, such as his conversations with advisers urging him to send a message for his supporters to go home. At one point, a White House staffer told Trump that Pence had been moved to a secure location for his own safety.

“So what?” » the filing cited Trump as a respondent.

Last month, Smith filed a new indictment in the case, repeating the same charges, including conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstruction of an official proceeding.

But the new indictment removed numerous allegations about Trump's conduct after the 2020 election that the Supreme Court said were off limits, including Trump's communications with Justice Department and White House officials.

In a filing Tuesday, Trump's lawyers objected to the document's release, calling it a politically motivated manifesto intended to distort this year's presidential election.

The office believes that President Trump's constitutional rights to impartial juries and fair procedures, not to mention witnesses' privacy and even their safety, all take second place to the office's policy goals, the office argued. Trump's team.

Trump has made the alleged political nature of the charges against him a key part of his re-election campaign, but has presented no evidence.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland appointed Smith to take over already existing investigations into the former president after Trump announced his 2024 re-election bid.




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